Sushan wrote: ↑March 5th, 2021, 2:41 am
This is not the only time that someone thought of some popular question in a bit of unusual and marvellous mmanner and created some sort of mash up of the things.
There is nothing unusual about this approach. I'm sure it was old hat when I first heard of the 2-billion-year* days of creation in high school, in the early 1960's.
*And whoever was promulgating that theory at that time had the sense not to mix in the young-earth nonsense. It was the era of scientific dynamism and religious ecumenicalism, when all the preachers were trying to reconcile with preachers of competing sects, and dull the argument of secular critics with their reasonable approach to factual information.
In any case, as I mentioned, the long-day theory only covers the first two pages of a very big book. Which then raises the question of time-keeping, and all the other fanciful religious arithmetic, from Genesis III onward - the two or three kinds of time can't be reconciled without some dishonest bookkeeping.
Anyway, it goes no way at all toward legitimizing Noah, Abraham, Sampson, Lot or Moses.
That semi-realistic approach has been abandoned by fundamentalist sects of every kind in the new millennium. Appeal to the extreme, to the emotions, to lowest standard of logical deduction has become their SOP.
It's a pity, really. Religious text, history, cultural impact and personal experience is worth treating seriously.
What everything like that had in common was, they were not of actual use for anyone,
Oh, but they are. They're politicized into repressive laws.