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By Sy Borg
GE Morton wrote: February 13th, 2021, 7:53 pmAlso dead wrong. Einstein's theories, as well as Maxwell's, Darwin's, Mendel's, Alfred Wegener's (plate tectonics), the "Big Bang" theory, etc., etc., were all theories and characterized as such [BY WHOM?] from the moment they were published, long before there was a consensus on any of them.
You sound smug as though this is a slam dunk, yet you fail to see the inherent inconsistency in your notion that consensus is not needed as long as a consensus already exists.

Pride clearly came before your fall here.
By GE Morton
Greta wrote: February 13th, 2021, 10:17 pm
GE Morton wrote: February 13th, 2021, 7:53 pmAlso dead wrong. Einstein's theories, as well as Maxwell's, Darwin's, Mendel's, Alfred Wegener's (plate tectonics), the "Big Bang" theory, etc., etc., were all theories and characterized as such [BY WHOM?] from the moment they were published, long before there was a consensus on any of them.
You sound smug as though this is a slam dunk, yet you fail to see the inherent inconsistency in your notion that consensus is not needed as long as a consensus already exists.
Huh? Where did I say any such thing?

I said that theories don't depend upon any consensus to exist, or to qualify as a theory. Nor are they "promoted" hypotheses, promoted by having attracted a consensus. A theory is a systematic explanation of a realm of phenomena; an hypothesis is a speculative assertion of some discrete state of affairs which is empirically confirmable/disconfirmable. "There is life on Mars" is an hypothesis. Should it prove to be true, a consensus would certainly develop around it. But that would not make it a theory of Martian life --- the latter would be an explanation for that life, when and how it arose, how it evolved, how it managed to survive Mars' harsh climate and paucity of water, etc.

As for the "By Whom," by anyone who mentioned or referred to them.
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By Sy Borg
GE Morton wrote: February 13th, 2021, 7:53 pmAlso dead wrong. Einstein's theories, as well as Maxwell's, Darwin's, Mendel's, Alfred Wegener's (plate tectonics), the "Big Bang" theory, etc., etc., were all theories and characterized as such [BY WHOM?] from the moment they were published, long before there was a consensus on any of them.
Huh? Where did I say any such thing?

I said that theories don't depend upon any consensus to exist, or to qualify as a theory. Nor are they "promoted" hypotheses, promoted by having attracted a consensus. A theory is a systematic explanation of a realm of phenomena; an hypothesis is a speculative assertion of some discrete state of affairs which is empirically confirmable/disconfirmable. "There is life on Mars" is an hypothesis. Should it prove to be true, a consensus would certainly develop around it. But that would not make it a theory of Martian life --- the latter would be an explanation for that life, when and how it arose, how it evolved, how it managed to survive Mars' harsh climate and paucity of water, etc.

As for the "By Whom," by anyone who mentioned or referred to them.
I said MANY TIMES "a consensus of experts". So not just any old consensus will do. For instance, a consensus of new agers, Trumpians, libertarians or other wildly non-credible commentators is not enough for a hypothesis to be accepted as theory.

A consensus by experts, however, is absolutely required for theories to exist. Unanimity is not required and often not possible, but considerable agreement is required.

Theories are not magical abstracts that are declared by a single person and then universally accepted, as occurs in the Trumpian bubble. Analysis and peer approval are needed. A "theory" accepted only by its creator, without significant expert consensus, is not theory but a hypothesis.
By GE Morton
Peter Holmes wrote: February 13th, 2021, 4:19 pm
No dictionary definition of the word 'objectivity' that I've come across mentions the public confirmability of propositions - or propositions at all. Perhaps you have one that does. But to call other definitions - such as 'unbiased' or 'independent from opinion' or 'relying on facts' - spurious is plainly false. It seems you've invented your own use for the word.
You're munging the terms "objective" and "objectivity" together. I mentioned before that "objective" can apply to persons, as well to propositions. We say that a person is objective if he is, as you say, unbiased, relies on facts, etc. "Objectivity" denotes the practice of observing those constraints when forming opinions, solving problems, reaching judgments. It is applicable to persons and their decision-making methodology. We can never know, however, what considerations entered into someone's opinions or judgments; we can't read his mind. All we can judge is what he says --- what propositions he utters. It is those propositions we can characterize as objective or subjective --- by the criteria I've given.

Here is one definition of "objective":

2 a: of, relating to, or being an object, phenomenon, or condition in the realm of sensible experience independent of individual thought and perceptible by all observers : having reality independent of the mind


I did not, BTW, call "independent from opinion," or "relying on facts" "spurious." They are perfectly accurate and functional when applied to persons and their reasoning processes. They don't apply to propositions, however.
If instead objectivity is to do with facts and reliance on them, and subjectivity with judgements, beliefs and opinions, then moral objectivism is, as I said, the claim that there are moral facts - and not the public confirmability of moral assertions - whatever that means.
A "fact" is a proposition which asserts some state of affairs which is publicly confirmable. If a moral proposition asserts some state of affairs which is publicly confirmable, then it, too, is a "fact," just as any other proposition which asserts a confirmable state of affairs.

I'm still interested in what you think "morality" is, and what counts a "moral assertion."
By Peter Holmes
GE Morton wrote: February 14th, 2021, 1:14 am
Peter Holmes wrote: February 13th, 2021, 4:19 pm
No dictionary definition of the word 'objectivity' that I've come across mentions the public confirmability of propositions - or propositions at all. Perhaps you have one that does. But to call other definitions - such as 'unbiased' or 'independent from opinion' or 'relying on facts' - spurious is plainly false. It seems you've invented your own use for the word.
You're munging the terms "objective" and "objectivity" together. I mentioned before that "objective" can apply to persons, as well to propositions. We say that a person is objective if he is, as you say, unbiased, relies on facts, etc. "Objectivity" denotes the practice of observing those constraints when forming opinions, solving problems, reaching judgments. It is applicable to persons and their decision-making methodology. We can never know, however, what considerations entered into someone's opinions or judgments; we can't read his mind. All we can judge is what he says --- what propositions he utters. It is those propositions we can characterize as objective or subjective --- by the criteria I've given.

Here is one definition of "objective":

2 a: of, relating to, or being an object, phenomenon, or condition in the realm of sensible experience independent of individual thought and perceptible by all observers : having reality independent of the mind


I did not, BTW, call "independent from opinion," or "relying on facts" "spurious." They are perfectly accurate and functional when applied to persons and their reasoning processes. They don't apply to propositions, however.
If instead objectivity is to do with facts and reliance on them, and subjectivity with judgements, beliefs and opinions, then moral objectivism is, as I said, the claim that there are moral facts - and not the public confirmability of moral assertions - whatever that means.
A "fact" is a proposition which asserts some state of affairs which is publicly confirmable. If a moral proposition asserts some state of affairs which is publicly confirmable, then it, too, is a "fact," just as any other proposition which asserts a confirmable state of affairs.

I'm still interested in what you think "morality" is, and what counts a "moral assertion."
(I think I've already explained what I think morality is and what counts as a moral assertion. But I'm happy to come back to that later. For now, we're discussing the nature and function of moral assertions such as 'slavery is wrong'.)

Perhaps you didn't notice that the Merriam-Webster definition of 'objective' makes no mention of propositions or their public verifiability. So your definition of the word 'objectivity' - 'public verifiability of a proposition' - is your choice. As you say, 'You're free to attach any spurious definitions you like to...terms, of course'. And the rest of us are free to reject your definition and the argument you make using it.

But anyway, here's your definition of a fact-as-proposition:

'A "fact" is a proposition which asserts some state of affairs which is publicly confirmable. If a moral proposition asserts some state of affairs which is publicly confirmable, then it, too, is a "fact," just as any other proposition which asserts a confirmable state of affairs.'

And this is obviously incorrect. The predicate should be 'is publicly confirmed', not 'is publicly confirmable'. So your conditional should be as follows:

If a moral proposition asserts some state of affairs which is publicly confirmed, then it, too, is a "fact," just as any other proposition which asserts a [publicly] confirmed state of affairs.

And I think your definition of a fact is this: A fact is a proposition which asserts a publicly confirmed state-of-affairs.

Before we go on, do you agree that that's your definition of a fact? If not, please re-phrase it.
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By Terrapin Station
Greta wrote: February 13th, 2021, 7:06 pm Special relativity would not have been considered to be a theory without consensus between, at least, the most influential of his peers. If Einstein was alone with his ideas, or if those ideas were only accepted by fringe practitioners, then we would have a hypothesis of special relativity rather than a theory. However, the hypothesis passed enough tests for a sufficient consensus to be reached to be accepted as theory:
I have no idea why you're thinking this, but it's not the case. It was considered a theory when published, prior to there being any consensus about it. As I said, it was very controversial when published (and that's insofar as anyone even knew about it at first.)

Look at Gene Ray's Time Cube theory. That's a theory despite no one else agreeing on it (and despite it not even being very clear just what he was on about).

(If you're not familiar with Gene Ray and his Time Cube theory, see here: https://timecube.2enp.com/)
Favorite Philosopher: Bertrand Russell and WVO Quine Location: NYC Man
By GE Morton
Greta wrote: February 14th, 2021, 1:05 am
A consensus by experts, however, is absolutely required for theories to exist.
Well, that is simply false, Greta. I'm amazed you persist with that, despite the obvious and abundant evidence to the contrary. Most intellectual disciplines abound with theories, few of which enjoy anything approaching a consensus. They're still theories. Theories which now enjoy a consensus didn't, when they were introduced. But they were still theories. Any set of propositions which purports to be an explanation of some realm of phenomena is a theory of that phenomena. It may be a good or a bad explanation, and if its a good one it will attract a consensus, but they're all theories, good or bad.

Some examples of theories which have attracted some notice, but nothing approaching a consensus:

* Panspermia theory
https://helix.northwestern.edu/article/ ... mia-theory

* Abiogenic theory of the origins of petroleum
https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com ... 08RG000270

* The 5 theories of the formation of the solar system
https://www.rmg.co.uk/discover/explore/ ... lar-system

* The multiple superstring theories and M-theory:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superstri ... ing_theory

* In economics, the monetarist and Keynesian theories of economic growth:
https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/mo ... 0Economics.

* The numerous theories of consciousness, some of which have been debated on this forum
https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10 ... 00567/full

There is no consensus on any of those, but they're still theories. I could list hundreds more.
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By Terrapin Station
Yeah, and there are plenty of wackadoodle theories (in the vein of Time Cube) that no one else agrees on, but that doesn't change the fact that they're theories.

A couple common definitions of "theory" are:
"a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained."
" a contemplative and rational type of abstract or generalizing thinking about a phenomenon, or the results of such thinking."
"A theory is a carefully thought-out explanation for observations of the natural world that has been constructed using the scientific method, and which brings together many facts and hypotheses."
Favorite Philosopher: Bertrand Russell and WVO Quine Location: NYC Man
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By Sy Borg
Terrapin Station wrote: February 14th, 2021, 11:58 am
Greta wrote: February 13th, 2021, 7:06 pm Special relativity would not have been considered to be a theory without consensus between, at least, the most influential of his peers. If Einstein was alone with his ideas, or if those ideas were only accepted by fringe practitioners, then we would have a hypothesis of special relativity rather than a theory. However, the hypothesis passed enough tests for a sufficient consensus to be reached to be accepted as theory:
I have no idea why you're thinking this, but it's not the case. It was considered a theory when published, prior to there being any consensus about it. As I said, it was very controversial when published (and that's insofar as anyone even knew about it at first.)
So the consensus was arrived at earlier. Still a consensus.
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By Sy Borg
GE Morton wrote: February 14th, 2021, 1:28 pm
Greta wrote: February 14th, 2021, 1:05 am
A consensus by experts, however, is absolutely required for theories to exist.
Well, that is simply false, Greta. I'm amazed you persist with that, despite the obvious and abundant evidence to the contrary. Most intellectual disciplines abound with theories, few of which enjoy anything approaching a consensus. They're still theories. Theories which now enjoy a consensus didn't, when they were introduced. But they were still theories. Any set of propositions which purports to be an explanation of some realm of phenomena is a theory of that phenomena. It may be a good or a bad explanation, and if its a good one it will attract a consensus, but they're all theories, good or bad.

Some examples of theories which have attracted some notice, but nothing approaching a consensus:

* Panspermia theory
https://helix.northwestern.edu/article/ ... mia-theory

[then mistakenly lists more ideas informally known as "theories"]
You have to be kidding. Panspermia a theory? What planet are you living on??

There was once a band called McKenzie Theory too. I'm surprised you didn't list them as well. Just because people call something a "theory" informally does not make it a theory.
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By Sy Borg
Terrapin Station wrote: February 14th, 2021, 2:09 pm Yeah, and there are plenty of wackadoodle theories (in the vein of Time Cube) that no one else agrees on, but that doesn't change the fact that they're theories.

A couple common definitions of "theory" are:
"a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained."
" a contemplative and rational type of abstract or generalizing thinking about a phenomenon, or the results of such thinking."
"A theory is a carefully thought-out explanation for observations of the natural world that has been constructed using the scientific method, and which brings together many facts and hypotheses."
Let's pretend that hypotheses do not exist, and call them "theories". In that case, I ascribe to the Donald Trump has Alzheimer's theory and the GE Morton theory of amusingly inappropriate examples. But, seriously, this is a shift of the goal posts, from the formal definition of "theory" to the colloquial. If we are being fair dinkum about this, then:
A scientific theory is an explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can be repeatedly tested and verified in accordance with the scientific method, using accepted protocols of observation, measurement, and evaluation of results.
And that requires consensus amongst experts. QED.

May we now return to the GE Morton theory of spuriously objective morality?
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By Terrapin Station
Greta wrote: February 14th, 2021, 4:18 pm
A scientific theory is an explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can be repeatedly tested and verified in accordance with the scientific method, using accepted protocols of observation, measurement, and evaluation of results.
And that requires consensus amongst experts. QED.
It does? Nothing in the definition you presented requires a consensus.
Favorite Philosopher: Bertrand Russell and WVO Quine Location: NYC Man
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By Sy Borg
Terrapin Station wrote: February 14th, 2021, 5:39 pm
Greta wrote: February 14th, 2021, 4:18 pm
A scientific theory is an explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can be repeatedly tested and verified in accordance with the scientific method, using accepted protocols of observation, measurement, and evaluation of results.
And that requires consensus amongst experts. QED.
It does? Nothing in the definition you presented requires a consensus.
Is that because explanations make themselves? If no one agrees that the tests are valid, is that a theory? Or does it require a consensus of experts?

It's so obvious that theories require a consensus amongst experts who accept findings that I wonder why you are persisting with this. Is it sport? A low level intellectual exercise to see how long you can string me along with slippery definitions ? Surely not pride ...
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By Sculptor1
Scientific theories come and go. Leaving behind and core of indelible knowledge, though the periphery may be uncertain as that knowledge grows.
But the core is reliable since it is replicable. Since its subject is reality.

In the case of morality there is no core, as the goal posts change with the season, the economy, the culture, the weather, and with the time.
The subject of morality is human feelings and desires.
By GE Morton
Greta wrote: February 14th, 2021, 2:59 pm
[then mistakenly lists more ideas informally known as "theories"]

Just because people call something a "theory" informally does not make it a theory.
Well, yes, it does. The meanings of words are ascertained by observing how they are actually used. Among scientists, philosophers of science, and even most science writers, a theory is a verbal construct satisfying TS's third definition above: "A theory is a carefully thought-out explanation for observations of the natural world that has been constructed using the scientific method, and which brings together many facts and hypotheses."

"Theory," is, to be sure, used informally by many people as a synonym for a guess --- for any speculative or dubious claim: "That is only a theory, not a fact."

The formal usage, the meaning understood by science professionals, is that given above.
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