Greta wrote: ↑February 6th, 2021, 1:32 am
But, if the control is great enough, there could be strong consensus of the "objectivity" of morality amongst both generally and amongst "captive experts" (for want of a better term).
A consensus, no matter how strong, that a proposition is objective doesn't make it objective. It is objective IFF its truth conditions are publicly verifiable.
Other species are moral agents within their own groupings. There are certain rules amongst wolf packs, lion prides, herds of cattle and so forth. This is not something that most humans appreciate, and one of the reasons why other species are so often mistreated by people.
Well, that would be an eclectic meaning for "moral agent." That social animals appear to follow some rules doesn't qualify them as moral agents. Several definitions of that term can be found in the literature; my own, which is generally consistent with most others, is,
Moral Agent is a sentient creature who
a) has interests and some capacity for pursuing them, and
b) is capable of recognizing other qualifying creatures as moral agents who likewise have interests, which may differ from his own, and
c) is capable of understanding and formulating moral principles and rules and acknowledges the need for them in a moral field.
Moral Subject is a sentient creature for whom a), but not b) nor c) is true.
Moral Imbecile is a sentient creature for whom a) and b), but not c), are true.
Many animals satisfy a), several also satisfy b). None (except humans, and perhaps some other primates) satisfy c).
Many social animals follow rules that are genetically programmed or derive from familial/tribal bonds among members of a group, i.e., they are emotionally driven. One may be tempted to call those "moral" rules, but they are not moral in the philosophical sense, i.e., rationally devised.
Empathetic feelings humans may have for animals (and I certainly have them) don't count as moral rules either.