Does the site have a domain name legally owned by someone
Obviously there have been and still are many people interested in posting on this site - Some may even wish to own it
- even if it has been basically a non-profit. I'm thinking that maybe an online auction will sell the site quickly and raise money to maintain it
Greta used to list herself as site administrator and I had contacted her, or someone by that name, on "Philosophy Now" as I used to see her post there years ago. She replied:
"Hi UA
A few days it just disappeared. I tried emailing Scott twice but my messages didn't get through the Junk Mail filter of his online book club site.
A domain check shows that the site's URL is for sale.
It seems Scott decided to scrap the forum and didn't want to discuss it with anyone. It was fun while it lasted.
Hope you will be safe in the upcoming mayhem.
Possibly something happened to Scott? - As he used to like the forum and even if he lost interest I do not think he would just let it go without an explanation.
Whoever takes action at this point please keep me posted as to what is going on
through this post or by sending a message if the message function of the forum is still working.