John Jones wrote:Is science having us on? More so than in centuries gone by, yes.I wish I could be gentle about this, but I must slander you a little. Whatever and whoever you are, if by chance take a claim to intellectualism, then I beg you to neglect reading this with any judgement or emotionality. If not, then let the emotion take charge and your ignorance reign.
Science cannot explain things. It can, however, explain how many things physically get on with each other. But knowledge of the things themselves always comes down to common-sense everyday experience.
Gravity, and the electron, for example, are not explanations or things. They are oblique references to pages in instruction manuals and to laboratory practices, which tell us how to get things done to our satisfaction. These references are made more real by being tagged to our simple knowledge of fallng objects, and small objects.
There are other myths of science that have no basis in fact, but only arise from an abuse of grammar, broken metaphors, or from anthropomorphisms. These travesties of truth include Time, space-time, mental illness, disorder, the brain, the universe, life, natural selection, evolution, quantum probability, data, information, robot, the mind, autism, aspergers...
The list of factual abuses falling under the banner of "science" is seemingly endless, and is growing day by day into a new, well-organised mythology for idiots.
There is so much to discredit about what you said. It almost leaves me overwhelmed as to where I should begin. Simply put, you didn't even prove anything. Its merely an open statement with your opinion: Science is false! Your only proof is the following: "Gravity and the electron..." are not "things". To note your opening claim that science doesn't explain anything, well, neither do you.
I'll begin by clarifying that atoms and gravity are completely different forces (not things). The atoms are elements, they are derivatives of energy, various levels of energy forms. Gravity, is a force, the driving forces of mass.
Now, from a psychological standpoint, to be blunt, lil johnny must have flunked out of highschool science as there is so much bitter resentment towards the "falsity of science" (which, I must emphasize, holds no accredited punctuation for an argument).
Lil Johnny says, that science is a "new, well-organised mythology for idiots". My answer to that is that lil Johnny should have studied history on top of his failed attempt at science. You see, has a history, it dates back preceding the times of "jesus christ".
I understand that this is an open form for the general public to express opinions, should they not at least be expressed with some form of logic and a clear and valid arguement.
I'll stop now for you Johnny ol' boy. My critique shall carry on another day. And remember, keep a clear open mind. You're probably taking a lot in at once, and it may sting at first, but being an intellectual demands an open mind and the ability to understand reason.
Fate has spoken.