The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
Does self-awareness have a purpose?
The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
What and why is its purpose?
What the purpose of 'self-awareness' is to become aware of thee 'Self', obviously, or as some one else might put it; To know thy 'Self'.
The very purpose and reason WHY to KNOW thy 'Self' is because 'I', or WE, can not KNOW what 'it' is that we Truly WANT if we do NOT YET KNOW what 'it' IS, which we Truly ARE.
The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
Why do we need self-awareness?
So that the question, 'Who am 'I'?' can be be answered, properly and correctly, once, and for ALL.
The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
Does self-awareness differ among humans?
Only if and when different answers are given to the question, 'Who am 'I'?' by different human beings.
The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
Self-awareness in its simplest definition is an ability, stemming from the brain (or does it?), that separates humans from all other beings.
So, if this is the case, then because 'you', human beings, are obviously NOT YET at the stage of being able to answer, properly and correctly, the question 'Who am 'I'?' then this would logically mean that human being are NOT YET separate from all other beings.
To me, 'Self-awareness', in its simplest definition, is thee Self being aware of who and what 'It' Truly IS.
What I see is the distinction between human beings and all other animals is that human beings HAVE the
ability to learn, understand, and reason ANY thing and EVERY thing. To me, NO other animal, being, NOR thing has this ABILITY, nor in fact really even comes close to having this ability.
The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
It is the ability to create thought as opposed to having only instincts.
Although the human body creates 'thought', (which may or may not come from the brain), other animals also create what could be considered 'thought'. Otherwise, what is 'it', which they translate and/or share among each other of the same species through whatever language that they use?
The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
Or, can you have self-awareness without thought?
Considering just how much further ahead and up along the evolution ladder, in regards to intelligence and 'thought', which 'you', human beings, are compared to any other known animal or thing, then it would be very surprising that one could be aware of what its actual Self IS, without some sort of 'thought' or 'language'.
If an animal has NO 'thought' but only 'emotions/feelings', then could it actually be 'aware', 'knowledge' wise, or in the sense of 'thinking' and/or 'knowing'?
The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
Animals have some self-awareness or they wouldn't be able to calculate the moves needed to produce a wanted outcome.
Do animals have some 'self-awareness', itself? Or, just have some some sense of being a separate identity, with just an internal desire, which drives 'them' to keep living, instinctively?
Are animals born 'aware' of thy 'Self'? Or, is KNOWING thy Self, or being 'Self-aware', a continual, ongoing, and evolving process?
Is ANY 'one' 'Self-aware' or does one 'become' Self-aware?
Are human beings born KNOWING thy 'Self', of do 'they' come-to-be KNOWN?
The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
At the least, they are making deductions.
This is because they instinctively WANT TO LIVE. WANTING to keep living is what ALL living things WANT and DESIRE, NATURALLY.
The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
A tiger, the predator, positions himself purposefully as it reacts to visual prey. It chooses its moment to strike and releases the pheromones of intrepidity or fearlessness. For prey, the sense of both this danger and fear (also releasing pheromones) is instinctive for their survival. The deer that senses danger and has fear, is communicated to all other deer nearby. Humans are of heightened self-awareness at the cost of their own instincts.
Are they?
And, what conclusion do they arrive at of who and/or what this 'self' IS, when they are at this heightened stage of 'self-awareness', supposedly, at the cost of their own instincts?
Also, is one's 'own' instincts different than "another's" IS?
If yes, then HOW?
HOW could one of a 'species' have different 'instincts' than that of the EXACT SAME 'species'?
The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
However, human instincts are both genetic and honed: some may have a stronger instinct than another.
Will you provide any examples of how human 'instincts', are 'honed'?
If some thing is 'honed', then does that not conflict with it being an 'instinct'?
Also, will you provide examples of who these 'some' are who have, supposed, "stronger instincts" than "another"?
The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
Is self-awareness one of our instincts for survival given our environment or simply a genetic, human trait based on the increased complexity of the brain organ?
What is, supposedly, so 'complex' about the human brain?
The human brain just works like a computer does. Just what is fed into it, only that can be fed out of it. But, because of the Truly OPEN Mind, the human brain can add two or more pieces of input information together, and then output new or more information. This is because the Mind, which is ALWAYS OPEN, is able to learn, understand, and reason ANY and EVERY thing.
Self-awareness is just a natural eliminating process, through and from evolution, itself.
Just because human beings might work out who and what they actually ARE, that does NOT mean that that 'self-awareness' alone will STOP them from being greedy and wiping themselves out to extinction.
Who and what thy True Self REALLY IS SURVIVES no matter if 'It' becomes aware of Its Self or not.
Self-awareness is nothing other than a process, which happens and occurs in an intelligent enough species. The name 'human being' just happens to be name given to the species, which has through evolution, itself, evolved into being the intelligent enough species to work out who and what thy True Self IS. Although this is still an on-going process.
The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
If it is for survival, how are we otherwise vulnerable?
As, minutely and partly, explained already, 'self-awareness' is NOT for survival.
Also, 'you', human beings, are vulnerable in all sorts of ways. In fact 'you' are your own worst enemy. If thee Truth be KNOWN 'you', human beings, are more vulnerable from your own 'selves' than from just about any thing else, in the times of when this is being written.
The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
For environmental conditions/weather? We are not prey to animals,
'you', human beings, may not be prey to animals, but 'you' are certainly 'hosts' and 'life-source' to bacteria and viruses, and thus 'prey', in one sense of that word.
The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
they have more vulnerable resources for food than ourselves. Vigilance is a type of physical self-awareness that varies in humans and is heightened in dangerous/fearful conditions in conjunction with adrenaline. But animals also are vigilant and have adrenaline.
Are you able to explain HOW this phenomena that 'self-awareness' is, supposedly, "heightened" in dangerous/fearful conditions in conjunction with adrenaline?
I have NOT YET heard of any one claiming to become more 'self-aware' when they have had an adrenaline rush. But, I have heard lots of stories where people have "fought or flown" when they have had rushes of adrenaline. They do this in order to stay alive and keep living only, from what I can ascertain. I have certainly NOT observed any one who has had a sense of 'fight or flight' in order to just consider, and/or "sit down", to work out 'Who am 'I' actually?
The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
Virtual self-awareness, the knowing you exist in your own, inner world within a greater, outer world, has what purpose?
None that I can SEE.
Also, does any one REALLY know they exist in some little, so called, "inner world" within a bigger, greater, and, so called, "outer world".
To me, most people that I have had contact with observe and agree that they actual exist and live in One 'world' ONLY. Although, OBVIOUSLY, most people make up their own little 'worlds' of how they would like and want things to be, or BELIEVE things are or should be like.
The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
Self-awareness defined as the capacity to ask why one exists is actually the power to philosophize.
Why one exists becomes KNOWN when who and what 'one' Truly IS is uncovered and realized.
The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
If we did not have thought as we know it, would we still be self-aware?
Are you suggesting that 'you' are 'self-aware' ALREADY?
If yes, then who and/or what is that 'self' EXACTLY?
The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
Yes, as we can be without thoughts and are still self-aware though it is difficult to not think.
So, you say, "Yes". Now, how could a 'thing' actually still be 'self-aware' without 'thoughts/thinking'?
The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
The power to think abstractly, or concerning those things that do not have to do with our survival, is the self-awareness most of us speak of. It is the power to imagine within and outside of our own reality.
How do 'you' decipher what is within and what is outside of your own, so called, "reality"? Other than by just what you say "is in" and what you say "is out"?
The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
Within, it is the awareness of body in relation to ourselves (which animals have to an extent but is more in relation to the outer world) and of our mind. Outside, it is the ability to conceptualize beyond our reality. Of the mind, it is the capacity to control our thoughts and imagination where animals do not. To what purpose?
If you REALLY want to KNOW the 'purpose', then you WILL FIRST 'have to' explain FULLY what 'it' is that 'you' are saying, and asking here. For example, what is this 'mind' thing, which you mention here. What does 'it' do, and how does 'it' work?
The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
Humans are both predator and prey under different circumstances. We know which mode we are in and can be in both at the same time physically, intellectually or emotionally. We are prey to certain weather conditions therefore we have the imagination to protect ourselves from the elements.
Well considering EVERY species of animal, microscopic bacteria, viruses, and even plants is able to 'protect' its selves from the elements, then does this also suggest that ALL of these things have imagination?
If yes, then okay.
But if no, then maybe a little more imagination, itself, might be best done here, correct?
The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
But protecting ourselves this way is almost instinctive.
Are you suggesting that a species protecting its self from death is "almost" instinctive?
If yes, then I would suggest that a species protecting its self from death is 'outright' instinctive.
The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
Feeding ourselves could be instinctive.
I think you might find that doing what it takes to stay alive and keep living, like a species feeding its self, IS ACTUALLY instinctive.
The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
This is awareness of our physical self.
'What' IS "awareness of our physical self"?
To me, what the species known as 'human being' is actually 'aware' of, in sense of the physical body, is 'awareness of its physical self'. I am NOT sure what else could be 'awareness of our physical self'.
The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
Striving/resilience could be instinctive.
To me, just being alive, and living, is instinctive.
'Striving' and 'resilience' are things conceptualized, in order to 'obtain' or 'deal with'.
To me, only human beings 'strive'. For example, they 'strive' to obtain more money, or 'strive' to obtain acceptance by the peers of their species. This is certainly NOT 'instinctive', from my perspective. This is learned behavior, which was caused by greed and judging.
The_architect wrote: ↑July 20th, 2020, 4:36 am
The virtual presence of the mind, with controlled thought and where it has nothing to do with survival, is self-awareness both intellectually and emotionally. It is the ability to define and think of anything, real or imagined. It is the ability to choose and/or change your response to any given intellectual or emotional action/reaction. The purpose, then, of self-awareness is the cohesiveness and survivability of humankind for and from each other.
If you say so, but are you able to elaborate on this and explain it so it makes sense?
If yes, then will you?