A New Normal is not dictated by fiat or decree. It is generated when demand for its establishment has reached the critical mass, at an unstoppable speed. The same can be said about its disappearance. We humans are social animals, and we are much more influenced by our fellow kind than what we have on how our Normal come and go.
Social-Distancing is an imminent New Normal, if not the primary. I am not about to dwell here on its lineage and protagonist, but I would rather focus on its lasting power and its shock wave in the immediate future. I believe it will last for a long while, if not permanently. Once the pandemic is gone, it will be moderated not by much, as the specified distance may be reduced from 2m to 1.5m, for example. Many of our transport and entertainment models will be impacted beyond recognizing. Would car pool still be on? Can our mass transit operating at 50% capacity still survive? If not, who will satisfy the enormous demand for subsidy? If airplane can only carry 50% capacity, will mass air travel be a thing of the past? Sport events, show business, conventions, trade fair, and so on. We should be psychologically prepared for the shock on almost all of our social activity. Or should anti-social also become our New Normal?