Steve3007 wrote: ↑June 9th, 2020, 6:21 am
Greta wrote:It's a false dichotomy anyway. Evolution is accidental in its details but certainly not random over time. Evolution is ultimately pragmatic. Darwin referred to "survival of the fittest" but I think evolution as theory's greatest flaw is it does not go far enough. For instance, what of the "evolution" (scare quotes are only for the pedantic amongst us) of simple chemicals to complex ones that preceded abiogenesis?
I think it depends on the sense in which we're using the word "evolution" at any given time. In the broadest sense that I can think of, it simply refers to any kind of change. Any changing physical system can be, and is, referred to as evolving. But that doesn't mean that it can't also be used in more specific contexts. Back to semantics again!
I see evolution as simply the gestation, growth and development of the biosphere as a whole. We think we are all separate, but we all stemmed from LUCA. In that sense, we are the entity we called LUCA, who is now about four billion years old, and has grown innumerable new structures over that time. But that is just limiting one's views to biology because the Earth's geology has been evolving too, ditto the solar system, the galaxy, and I expect that Laniakea is evolving too.
Again, I see no problem in seeing it as that if you're using a fairly general sense of the word "evolution". Yes, we are (the evidence suggests) all evolved from a LUCA, so, yes, in that sense we are not separate. Or you could say that we are all parts of the Earth's crust, so in that sense we are not separate. But in some other senses, clearly we are separate.
But the trouble with statements of the form "we think we're all separate but..." is that it seems to imply, to some people, that there is a binary, mutually exclusive choice between two worldviews, one of which says "everything is part of a whole" and the other of which says "there are separate things", and so those people will have pointless arguments with you about that because they don't acknowledge the context in which you say what you say.
My issue is with both sides, Steve - both those who focus on it all being one thing and those who focus on the differences. It's a simple paradox that any even slightly sophisticated mind should be able to handle with the same ease that you can be both a father to your children and, presumably, a brother to your sibling/s. One does not preclude the other.
While there is no need to stop at LUCA and accept that we are part of the Earth. To quote Michelle Thaller:
I actually think of myself as a very complicated rock. I am made of things like iron and copper and manganese. When you sit down on a mountainside and you are there with rocks, those are your cousins too.
But, really, when you look at our existential situation, the elephant in the room is that the Sun comprises 99.86% of the solar system's mass. The Earth is 0.0003% the Sun's mass. Take a 70kg person. The proportion of their body equivalent to the Earth's mass in relation to the solar system is 0.00021 of a kilogram, or about about 200 milligrams. An average finger weights about 100 grams, about 50,000 times heavier. Even our microbiome, being about 0.03% of body weight is 21 grams. 200 mg is about the mass of one drop of water, one bead of sweat.
My point being that this is the Sun's show and we are along for the ride. We are little more than the Sun's emanations, a portion of its body odour, so to speak. It is impossible for the human mind to grasp how how huge the Earth is, let alone the Sun. The scale is utterly beyond our ken. Never mind Sag A* and other supermassive black holes.
Gods, the lot of them, as far as I'm concerned. Gods don't need minds, just all-encompassing influence, power and relatively eternal life. Planet Earth too is a god, or demigod, one that includes all life. But the closest aggregations to the gods of mythology are human societies themselves. In humanity en masse we have a collective entity that actually cares to some extent about us. We can petition it for what we want and need, and it provides or denies, its ways being often mysterious, so to speak :)