Terrapin Station wrote: ↑May 21st, 2020, 11:13 amWhen you discover or learn how, what will soon be created, then you will understand HOW and WHY there can be and IS an omnipotent, omniscient, benevolent God. Evil had to come to exist first, for there to come to be an everlasting Truly peaceful and loving world.Darshan wrote: ↑May 21st, 2020, 10:57 am Please rephrase anything I may have ignored unintentionally.The problem of evil is about the omni properties. So if we're saying that God is not omnipresent, how is that solving the problem of evil? The whole objection is that God can't be omnipresent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, etc., given that there is evil.
The problem of evil which Earthellism solves is how a omnipotent God would allow extreme suffering of innocence. The answer God does not allow it, God just cannot prevent it here because on earthell God is not here.
By allowing you adult human beings to commit the evil that you all do, the longer you do, then, seemingly contradictory, the quicker a Truly peaceful and harmonious world begins, and the more longer and everlasting peace and happiness will be.
Terrapin Station wrote: ↑May 21st, 2020, 11:13 am If you say, "God is not omnipresent," then what are you solving? You're rather agreeing with the objection that God can't be omnipresent, etc.If they are saying that God is not here, on earth, then they would also have to say God's love is not here also. Unless, of course, they can explain how this could be logically possible.