Darshan wrote:The saying that War is Hell proves this point and the Nazi Death Squads are proof this place is Hell.Sounds like a bit of a "glass half empty" view of the world.
Are you open to the idea of analyzing reasons why such things as the Nazi death camps come about, and the circumstances under which human beings tend to behave like that towards others? Or would you just say "it's hell" and leave it at that?
I tend to take a practical view of these things, by saying "I don't like things like that happening. If I look at the circumstances under which it happened I might be able to suggest policies that will make such things less likely to happen in the future." I don't find the "it's hell" reaction very satisfying.
Earthellism can prevent future genocides by explaining that as a soldier you choose to be a human devil by killing women and children and will send your innocent victims to Heaven to be fully compensated by a loving God. As that human devil soldier you are guaranteed eternity in Hell and die a thousand deaths for each drop of innocent blood you spill and no chance to go to Heaven and never be with God. Hitler is here in Hell dying a thousand deaths for each drop of innocent blood of 6 million people he is responsible for killing.Ok, that sounds like a practical proposition for solving the problem. How is it working out so far?