Terrapin Station wrote: ↑March 28th, 2020, 2:45 pm
creation wrote: ↑March 28th, 2020, 11:24 am
So, explain to me how I have a belief that I do not have any beliefs.
You assert that it's the case that you have no beliefs, right?
I do NOT have to "assert" that I have no beliefs. But yes this is what I am saying.
It is the case that I just neither believe nor disbelieve any thing. Therefore, the Truth IS I just do not simply have any beliefs at all.
Just like a new born human being does not believe any thing nor does it disbelieve any thing. I am the exact same, I do not believe any thing and I do not disbelieve any thing. Very simple really. Like me.
You are free to accept this or not.
I do not care what you accept or do not accept.
Terrapin Station wrote: ↑March 28th, 2020, 2:45 pm
Another term for that--you taking it to be the case that P, is "belief."
I do NOT have this type of distorted thinking at all, which you obviously have here.
For you, "taking 'it' to be the case that P", is "belief". But for me it is NOT. Do you understand this? Are you even capable to understand this?
Just because you take some thing to be true, and believe it to be true, this does NOT mean that I take the same thing, and it does not even mean that what you take to be true, to be actually 'true' itself.
Unless of course you believe that you KNOW what the actual absolute truth is about all things, and therefore that what you say has to be true.
Are you really that incapable to, for example, "take it that the sun rises in the east" (take it to be the case that P) and NOT just be OPEN to the fact that the sun is not actually "rising"?
Or, because you take the case that P (the sun rises), therefore you actually cannot do anything other than believe that the sun does 'rise'?
You believing that whatever is "taken to be the case is P", is "belief", is just absurdly and ridiculously WRONG in and of itself, as shown here now.
Therefore, your attempt at forming an argument does not work
Terrapin Station wrote: ↑March 28th, 2020, 2:45 pm
Are you not able to think or know things without having beliefs about them?
Correct. Propositional knowledge is "justified true belief."
Well that is for you. This is NOT for me.
Are you not able to think for and by yourself, instead of using others terms, and using them as though they are actual irrefutable Truths?
The term "justified true belief" is just some thing I would not use, for the disturbing beliefs that it puts into people.
I look at and see things without beliefs. I can, for example, think that you went to the shop yesterday. I certainly do NOT believe that it is true.
I can then clarify with you if you went to the shop yesterday, and you might inform me that you did. But I still do NOT have to believe (nor disbelieve) that this is true. I can quite simply and very easily just continue to remain OPEN.
This 'remaining OPEN' is what I do, not just for that example but for absolutely EVERY thing else as well.
I do NOT have any beliefs for the very reason that I want to remain OPEN always. Because it is only when one is OPEN when one is able to learn, understand, and reason, logically and sensibly.
When one is believing or disbelieving some thing, then they are NOT OPEN to any thing other than that belief. For an example of this, then just remember that time you tried to explain to a person what the actual truth is when that person is believing some thing else is true.
Terrapin Station wrote: ↑March 28th, 2020, 2:45 pm
If you are not able to, then just to let you know, I am able to, and it is a truly very simple and easy thing to do.
You can call it or not call it anything you like. Regardless of that, asserting/thinking that something is the case is conventionally named "belief."
If this is what you 'believe', then so be it.
If you actually 'believe' that you KNOW what the "convention" IS, then this is more evidence of just how CLOSED a person IS when they 'believe' things.
You can call "asserting/thinking that something is the case" a "belief" for as long as you like, and you can keep distorting what thee actual Truth is for as long as you like as well. But, I look at and see things as they really and truly ARE, and then I call them for what they really and truly ARE also.
For example, I call "asserting/thinking that something is the case", "asserting/thinking that something is the case".
What can be seen here is, I call things as they REALLY ARE. Whereas, you have obviously and blatantly distorted thee actual Truth of things, to how you want them to to "be".
You are obviously 'trying your hardest' to fit things into your own little "world" of how things 'should', which, by the way, will NEVER work.
I suggest to you, and others, STOP believing things and STOP believing that you KNOW what the actual truth is. Once you, and them, STOP 'believing' things, then this will make it so much easier for you, and them, to SEE what thee actual Truth of things really IS.