What I said was that ontology is mostly nonsense.You were consistent in this when you disdained my tentative notion that the notion of the absolute is nonsense. And I agreed with you. I agreed with you on the basis that it's better to consider the notion of the absolute is nonsense than to thoughtlessly presume the absolute exists.
There is a third option. The absolute may or may not exist and in any case cannot affect us here in our relative space time. However consideration of what we would like to be absolute values , and even praying for those to be manifested on Earth, is a main human trait which became more powerful after the scientific enlightenment when light was being shone on human nature. Ontology is part of the human search for reality or truth. The human search for truth is faith- based, and faith is indispensible to maintenance of life.
Skepdick: You don't need truth to stay alive, but you need to be alive to seek truth.