Peter Holmes wrote: ↑March 16th, 2020, 2:11 am
GE Morton wrote: ↑March 15th, 2020, 8:01 pm
Yes, they do. The latter ("It is my opinion that . . .") is true if the speaker believes that Paris is the capital of France. But what he believes, that Paris is the capital of France, is also true or false. When one says, "It is my opinion that . . .", he is saying WHAT he believes, not that he believes it. That Paris is the capital of France is his opinion. And in that case his opinion is objective.
As I explained before, when someone says, "It is my opinion that P," he is saying two things: P, and that he lacks conclusive evidence for P; he concedes that P may be false. Similarly, if Alfie asserts P, and Bruno replies, "That is your opinion," Bruno is saying that Alfie lacks sufficient evidence for P. Don't confuse Alfie's opinion, P, with the proposition that Alfie has an opinion.
Yes, it is trivially true --- but true nonetheless. And that makes it very consequential for your definition of "objective."
Oh, I agree. And that functional difference is that the former has public truth conditions, the latter has only private ones --- not that one is an opinion and the other is not. They both are.
I think your explanation is incorrect. We're talking about the nature and function of assertions, which, of course, aren't themselves opinions. Here are the examples.
#1 Paris is the capital of France.
#2 In my opinion, Paris is the capital of France.
#3 Paris is beautiful.
You say that all of these express opinions - because all assertions of any kind express opinions.
But the function of #1 is not to express the opinion that Paris is the capital of France. Its function is to make a factual claim with a truth-value.
But HOW does it become a 'factual claim' with a truth-value? And, how does one know that it is a so called "factual claim with a truth-value".
If it is not 'agreement' that makes the statement; paris is the capital of france, a factual claim with a truth-value, then what makes it a factual claim with a truth-value?
How do statements get truth-value from exactly, if not agreement.
If it is not agreement that makes a claim true, then what does?
Peter Holmes wrote: ↑March 16th, 2020, 2:11 amAnd because its truth-value is independent from opinion, the assertion is objective.
But how is opinion separated from objective?
What makes 'paris the capital of france'? And, what makes the assertion that 'paris is capital of france' objective?
How is my opinion 'children do not want to be punched in the face' separated from the assertion 'children do not want to be punched in the face'?
Is that assertion 'objective', or is this just my 'opinion'?
Is the truth-value independent from opinion, if not, then why is that subjective only, and not objective?
Where exactly does 'truth-value' come from? And, how is 'truth-value' actually created and made?
Can an 'opinion' be dependent upon truth-value, or is this not possible?
Peter Holmes wrote: ↑March 16th, 2020, 2:11 am
Your appeal to 'public truth conditions' - though it's a correspondence-theory mistake - also assumes independence from opinion.
#2 may express hesitation or uncertainty as to the truth of the embedded factual assertion. But it doesn't express the opinion that, in 'my' opinion, Paris is the capital of France. That's an absurd analysis of the function of #2.
What makes you KNOW what thee actual Truth of things ARE?
In my opinion 'paris could be the capital of france, or it may not be'. What makes 'paris the capital of france' and unambiguous and irrefutable fact?
But #3 does genuinely express an opinion, judgement or belief - aesthetic, in this case. Its function is not to make a factual claim with a truth-value independent from opinion. And the function of the moral assertion 'slavery is wrong' is identical: to express an opinion. [/quote]
If some one said to me;
"Paris is beautiful", then I would ask them,Why?
Just like, if some one said to me;
"Slavery is wrong", then I would ask them, Why?
Now, to distinguish between whether they are opinions or whether that are a factual claim I would NOT assume that I already know what the truth is, like what you are doing here.
I would listen to what they have to say, and, if everyone could agree with what they say, then that would just be a fact. But, if others could disagree, then that would be just an opinion.
See, to make a factual claim, then one would have to formulate an argument that was sound and valid, and thus an unambiguous irrefutable fact, which obviously no one could disagree with it.
If an 'assertion' is agreed to be true with and by everyone, then that Truth is objective.
Peter Holmes wrote: ↑March 16th, 2020, 2:11 am
The nature and function of factual assertions, and the fundamental difference between them and expressions of opinion, is right at the heart of the argument against moral objectivity.
What 'argument' is there "against" 'moral objectivity'?
By the way, how does one distinguish between a 'factual' assertion and an 'opinioned' assertion?