Sculptor1 wrote: ↑March 14th, 2020, 7:36 pm
creation wrote: ↑March 13th, 2020, 9:35 pm
You actually believe that you have the right to go around slapping others, scaring others with your dog, and even killing others whenever you feel like it. But, absolutely NOTHING in the Universe has the right to ever do absolutely anything like this to you, nor to your dog.
I expect everyone has a point where slapping a person is justifable.
I told you - you hurt my dog - I hurt you.
It's not rocket science.
And I told you absolutely anyone else could use the exact same "excuse" to try to "justify" their obviously wrong behaviors. Having a 'point' at where one tries to "justify" harming and/or hurting another is just an "excuse" for doing wrong, and a very weak excuse at that. I can just as easily forewarn you; you scare or hurt me, my child, or my dog - then I hurt you. Is that absolutely understood?
See, what can be seen here, which obviously you have not yet recognized nor yet seen, is this kind of thinking and so called "reasoning" is the most absurd and stupidest of human being thinking that there is, and which is part of the reason WHY human beings, in the days of when this is written, live in the most idiotic and stupidest of ways.
As for "this" being "rocket science", then it is "rocket science" that will eventually lead to human beings demise.
Roll around on the floor laughing as much as you like. The "world" will just keep crumbling on around you. Although, really you would not and do not care one little bit, just as long as you and your dog are okay. Am I right?
Sculptor1 wrote: ↑March 14th, 2020, 7:36 pm
You have no idea just how stupid you sound.
PERFECT. The lack of understanding that 'i' have of how stupid 'i' am sounding now, provides the absolute evidence and PROOF of what it is that I am pointing out, revealing, and showing the readers here.
This, I do not expect 'you' to yet understand at all.
Sculptor1 wrote: ↑March 14th, 2020, 7:36 pm
You have constructed a fantasy world about who I am and what my dog is like.
Have I?
Or, are you making assumptions and jumping to conclusions, and in doing so have actually MISSED the whole point of what is IS that I have been saying, revealing, and showing here, which is; You believe you have certain rights, but do not afford those exact same rights to others.
What exactly do you assume and/or believe I have supposedly constructed about who you are and what your dog is like?
Could that assumption or belief of yours here be wrong?
Sculptor1 wrote: ↑March 14th, 2020, 7:36 pm
Let my show you what my dog looks like.
Again, this is just more proof that your "world" revolves around 'you' and the selected 'few' you want in it.
I am showing how IF people want to seriously live in a Truly peaceful and harmonious "world", then how this is and will be achieved. I am even using examples of how through 'agreement' ALL animals are protected and cared for, just like you would do with and for that one and only animal.
See, in your own little "world" your dog is protected no matter what. But, you will kill other animals and eat them, just because you 'want' to, and because you believe you have the right to, which as I have been saying and pointing out is part of the very reason WHY human beings are killing each other, and literally themselves, as they destroy their one and only home that they live on.
I was just writing in a particular way to stir you right up, to show just how easily human beings will react and hurt others just because of the beliefs that they have and hold and maintain onto.
To me, your dog is NO more special and NO more important, nor less special and less important, than any other living thing this, including ALL human beings themselves. Showing me a picture of your dog is NOT going to make me love it any more, nor love it any less, than my own children for example. To me, they are ALL equal.
To me, there is no one animal that is more, nor less, special than another, and remember a human being is just another animal.
To me, ALL animals, including ALL human beings, are the same and need as much love, care, and protection as they can get. But, to me, there is not one that needs more love, more care, nor more protection over another one. But, as I continually say; I do look at and see things very differently than others.