- February 19th, 2020, 2:20 am
God is not recognizable by imagination because he is not similar to anything (known or unknown) that man has experienced or imagined. Nobody knows the unattainable mystery of existence of God. It is better we don't make ourselves unable to discover this mystery. God is not recognizable through his essence that we can ask; what he is or what his similarity is?
Attaching very similarity to God is untrue. He is not similar to any of his creatures neither sun nor other objects. But we can observe his signs in his creatures. For example his kingdom, power and endless ability in the space and greatness of the far or closer galaxies, stars planets, black holes and other wonderful phenomena in the space. Or his knowledge in the biology of animated beings among human. Or the words and language, and ability of human of understanding, speaking, writing, learning, discovering and other things.
We can know God through foods, fruits, plants, animals and the uncountable mysteries of their lives and biology. Sometimes people notice God more than other times, during an earthquake or hard hurricane. Death is the most obvious domination of God on the creatures. This unlovable transformation can remember God to man as well.
However, we can not recognize God via asking, what he is; but we can recognize him relatively via this question, who he is?
When we ask, what he is, it does mean, we are curious to know what shape or physical structure he has, and this is a wrong question because he is out of the circle existence of creatures and man hasn't any capacity, ability or access to know the essence of the existence who is not materially or touchable and he is greater than the capacity of thought and mind of man.
But when we ask, who is he, we are seeking for his character and morality such as his power, ability, knowledge, kindness, anger and the goals of his creation.
So, we can't know him thinking to his quality, but we can realize him (relatively) through thinking to the quality and behaviors of the creatures or the phenomena in the nature that he has created.
If we want to know God more, we should refer to his words that send to man. It is easy to know someone from his talking and words. I wonder why people (especially those who follow philosophy), why they don't study Koran and pay no attention to this scripture and somebodies try to deny it without study it? I say to them, don't worry, Koran has nothing to do with them to interfere their believes. I recommend them to study Koran like other books. God has introduced himself directly or indirectly by talking to man. What makes them worried that avoid to study Koran. It has been translated to most of the languages of the world. Koran is like a perfect mirror that shows the character of God higher than researching about him in the nature and through his creatures.