chewybrian wrote: ↑February 8th, 2020, 6:19 am
creation wrote: ↑February 7th, 2020, 9:27 pm
The Universe, Itself, makes perfect sense to me.
What the Universe is, is simply very rational, and how the Universe works, is logically very simply.
Life, and living, is very simple and easy indeed. Only human beings make living appear complicated and hard.
Humans bear the heavy burden of understanding. They can form desires beyond their capacity, beyond the limits imposed by reality. They can imagine things in perfect forms, but are imprisoned in an imperfect wold. They wish for their lives to have meaning, but they can see that they do not. They want to live forever, but they know they will die. They can communicate, yet never completely share their subjective experience. They wish for freedom, yet fear the responsibility that comes with it.
That is one way to look at human being generally.
chewybrian wrote: ↑February 8th, 2020, 6:19 am
The world is perhaps simple and makes sense if you are a goldfish.
I must be a goldfish then.
Maybe if you listed some of what you perceive is complex and does not make sense, then I, a goldfish, would know what you are referring to exactly?
chewybrian wrote: ↑February 8th, 2020, 6:19 am
You would not see your own capacity to change things, or how the world might somehow be different and therefore better for you, or more just.
Depending on what exactly it is that you refer to as the 'world', to me, Life is just. Only human beings make Life and living appear unjust.
chewybrian wrote: ↑February 8th, 2020, 6:19 am
But, the world simply does not make sense, is not logical, from a human perspective.
Once again, then, to you, I must be a goldfish.
If the Universe and Life makes perfect sense to me, a "goldfish", then, to you, I am not looking and seeing this from a human perspective, correct?
chewybrian wrote: ↑February 8th, 2020, 6:19 am
You might work to accept things as they are, and this will no doubt benefit your peace of mind. But, it does not come naturally, and it is not easy.
But everything in Life is easy. Only some human beings just make some things appear hard.
chewybrian wrote: ↑February 8th, 2020, 6:19 am
Contrary to this attitude, many people put a lot more effort into escaping, avoiding or denying reality than accepting it. They see things the way they are, and they don't like things the way they are, but they can't change them. So they are reduced to trying to fool themselves into thinking things are better than they are.
Is that what you do? Or, do you like to just look at other human beings and what they do, and/or just look at human beings generally, instead of saying what your own person views are?
chewybrian wrote: ↑February 8th, 2020, 6:19 am
creation wrote: ↑February 7th, 2020, 9:27 pm
Just because free will AND determinism play an equal part in Life and living, this does not at all mean there are irreconcilable contradictions or dilemmas. (Unless of course you can show otherwise). If any examples are provided, then we can look at them, and then discuss them to see if there is actually any irreconcilable contradictions or dilemmas, or not.
Every waking moment is choice for us; it is the essence of being human. In each moment, with every action, there is a true dichotomy. Either you could have acted differently of your own accord, as an agent, or your 'choice' was fully determined by the events that came before. These two options are irreconcilable by definition, and, in the words of Bertrand Russel, saying otherwise like calling a man a married bachelor. Determinism is a theory which says that there is no free will, period. It is not a matter of noting the possible weight of influence of past events on your decisions, but ceding total control to them, effectively eliminating the agent, the soul or any possibility of free will.
Sounds like you know for absolutely sure what is actual true, right, and correct here. So, for me, to say absolutely anything else would just fall on deaf ears, correct?
chewybrian wrote: ↑February 8th, 2020, 6:19 am
I don't think you really need me to work this out for you. If I am an independent agent, if my will is free, then for any choice, I could have chosen otherwise under identical circumstances. At that exact moment in time that I could have decided differently. If determinism is true, then only the effects of the causes of the past were responsible for my decision, There was no chance that I would have taken another path at that moment.
And, as exactly as I said both play an equal part. But did I really need to have worked this out for you and/or have to show how this is actually the case?
chewybrian wrote: ↑February 8th, 2020, 6:19 am
The burden is squarely on you to show that these two mutually exclusive ideas can both be true.
Very easily and simply done, to those who do not believe otherwise that is.
You are absolutely free to choose absolutely anything you want to. But your list, to choose from, was formed by, and is limited by, your past limited experiences.
chewybrian wrote: ↑February 8th, 2020, 6:19 am
I've never seen so much as a theory of how they could be so,
There are a lot of things you have yet to see and encounter.
chewybrian wrote: ↑February 8th, 2020, 6:19 am
but only people who call themselves 'compatibilists' without explaining how their position could be right, much less how it must be.
At the moment, I am only just a "goldfish" and would NEVER call myself a 'compatibilist' nor absolutely any other thing that what 'I' truly am.