chewybrian wrote: ↑February 7th, 2020, 9:11 am
Steve3007 wrote: ↑February 7th, 2020, 7:57 am
In what sense could the proposition "reality is not logical" ever be meaningful?
You might as easily ask what is logical about reality. Doesn't logic imply fairness? Wouldn't a logical reality reward effort and punish laziness, and give all of us the same skill set to work with? What is logical about the way the universe randomly doles out good fortune or misfortune, life and death? Logic makes sense; the reality does not.
To me, reality makes pure logical sense.
chewybrian wrote: ↑February 7th, 2020, 9:11 am
There is also a limit where logic and science break down, as in discussions of infinity. The universe is clearly absurd, at least from our current level of understanding.
The Universe, Itself, makes perfect sense to me.
What the Universe is, is simply very rational, and how the Universe works, is logically very simply.
Life, and living, is very simple and easy indeed. Only human beings make living appear complicated and hard.
chewybrian wrote: ↑February 7th, 2020, 9:11 am
It does not provide us with any guidance as to what we should be doing, what might make us happy.
It actually does. But this takes a very special type of listening and understanding, which most human beings have not evolved into doing, just yet.
chewybrian wrote: ↑February 7th, 2020, 9:11 am
It presents us with irreconcilable contradictions or dilemmas, like a choice between free will and cause and effect.
Just because free will AND determinism play an equal part in Life and living, this does not at all mean there are irreconcilable contradictions or dilemmas. (Unless of course you can show otherwise). If any examples are provided, then we can look at them, and then discuss them to see if there is actually any irreconcilable contradictions or dilemmas, or not.
chewybrian wrote: ↑February 7th, 2020, 9:11 am
Reality is what it is. Logic is a device we have constructed to try to understand reality.
In fact, if we looked at what the word 'reality' could actually refer to, and in relation to what other words refer to, then what 'reality' actually is understood to be in, and from, another perspective may be different than what it is perceived to be now, in the days of when this is written.
Considering the device known as 'logic' has not worked to well in unifying all of the contradictions and inconsistencies in our views and theories, then just maybe when we evolve further we may start looking at things from a different perspective, from where the device of 'logic' might actually reveal what 'reality' truly is.
chewybrian wrote: ↑February 7th, 2020, 9:11 am
It does a good job sometimes, and sometimes it breaks down, or we lack the knowledge to use the next level up of logic.
When using that 'next level up of logic', then this is where and when Life and living is seen for what they really are, which is just pure simplicity and easiness.
There literally is nothing hard nor complex in relation to Life and living.
The simplicity of the Universe Itself, and the ease in how It works, endlessly and infinitely, is just pure beauty and magical in the truest sense.
chewybrian wrote: ↑February 7th, 2020, 9:11 am
Perhaps, if we had perfect knowledge, the universe would be seen to be perfectly aligned with our logic.
I would not use the words "perfect knowledge", but, to me, the Universe is perfectly aligned. What needs to change is our "logic".
Logic is not a device that can be used from the personal subjective perspective.
Logic is only available from the truly objective perspective.
chewybrian wrote: ↑February 7th, 2020, 9:11 am
But, when we lack the knowledge, and there appear to be contradictions, we must concede the possibility that our logic might never explain it all.
When any apparent contradiction appears, then only when they are put forward, like here in a forum, then only then they can be looked at, and only then they can be discussed, so that what is actually true can come to light.