GE Morton wrote: ↑February 5th, 2020, 11:12 am
Er, no. You're confusing the understanding of the meaning of a word with the denotative meaning of that word.
Nope. Denotative meaning does not occur anywhere in the world outside of minds.
The denotative meaning of a word is its referent.
No. This is wrong. The denotative meaning of a word is a matter of making an association of the word with the referent. It's not
only the referent. You need a word, like "dog," as you mention, and you need a way to
get from that word to the referrent so that we have a meaning that associates the word with the referent. That associative "getting to the referent" from the word is only produced by a mental event.
"Unique meanings"? Really? You ask, "Please pass the salt." I hand you the salt shaker. How could I do that if we each assigned unique meanings to those words?
C'mon now. You're familiar enough with philosophy that you're familiar with nominalism. For nominalists, no numerically distinct things are identical. On my view, nothing is identical through time either.
"Paris is the capital of France" as something extramental has no meaning, and is nothing like a judgment. It's a set of particular pixels on a computer screen and that's it.
That is incoherent. A set of pixels on a computer screen is itself "extramental" [/quote]
Can't you read?
I just said that as something extramental, it's a set of particular pixels on a computer screen and that's it.
(unless you think the computer is a figment of your imagination). The meanings of those words are their referents, all of which are "extramental."
What we're pointing to is extramental in the case of something like a dog. (In the case of something like Paris, that's a lot more controversial, because extramentally there is no "Paris" per se, etc.--so stick with something like a dog.) But the dog is not identical to the meaning. We need a word and the associative act to have meaning. If there's nothing with minds in the universe there are things like rocks. But that doesn't make rocks denotative meanings in a world with no minds.
Truth judgments are not propositions--they're not meanings of declarative sentences. Truth judgments are not linguistic.
A judgment is a mental event or process; a class of thoughts. But any report or declaration of the results of a judgment are propositions, [/quote]Reports (as something extramental) aren't judgments. They're marks on paper, sounds that people make, or whatever.
which will be true or false.
They're only true or false to an individual, per that individual making a judgment (which is not a proposition) about the relation of a proposition to something else.
If a proposition declaring a judgment is false,
"'The cat is on the mat' is true" is a proposition correleated to a judgment, but it's not itself the judgment. Truth-value is the judgment (about the relation of the proposition to something else).