The concept "future" may be an example feature or reality that could be used as an objective foundation for a moral principle.
"Future" as a concept isn't falsifiable using the scientific method, yet it cannot be denied. Merely a potentially flawed belief in the scientific method (a belief in uniformitarianism, a dogma) prevents the acceptance of an alternative philosophical method to determine the irrefutability of the claim that "future" as a concept is a truth or that it should be considered a factor, for example, to determine objective morality.
Thinking about the future in a scientific manner is often characterised by an illusion of knowledge, leading to precarious one-sidedness and false conclusions. The reasons for this are misinterpretations of core scientific concepts as well as vested interests in knowledge creation and scientific advice; these misinterpretations and interfering interests can prevail because there is no coherent set of rules on what a scientific enquiry into the future could look like. ... 013-0031-4
Like with concepts such as "consciousness", there are features of reality that, while apparently they cannot be denied to be a truth, cannot be falsified by the scientific method. And instead of considering that there may be something wrong with the scientific method, or that some features of reality require a different method to unmask their irrefutable truth, it appears that the status quo is set to stubbornly hold on to the belief that the scientific method should be the guiding principle for human progress, thus rather to make a choice to consider that a concept such as "life", "future" or "consciousness" is merely an illusion.
I believe that it is a major problem. For example, the
synthetic biology revolution receives multi-trillion USD of investments per year from Big Pharma like companies while the practice to "redesign life" is based on the idea (a belief) that "life" as a factor does not need to be considered (other than that on individual or corporate level).
When "life" as a concept is factored out, one could just as well consider "life" meaningless or an effect of pure randomness. It logically results in a belief that evolution is driven by random chance.
A belief that evolution is driven by random chance results in the idea that thinking isn't needed and that anything random will count as "good". Big Pharma use that flawed thinking to see an opportunity for growth and are on their way to corrupt nature to obtain short term profit (results) in which no concept of "good" has been established or valued beforehand.
Respect for nature/life is completely abolished because of a potentially flawed belief that humans should blindly follow the result of the scientific method.
Therefore, in my opinion, it is important to acknowledge that incomparable concepts such as "life" cannot be factored out based on a belief that humans should blindly follow the scientific method.
Objective morality may be possible, by establishing the irrefutability of incomparable concepts.
As further evidence that a belief in the scientific method may be flawed, is the following foresight on the evolution of science by philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (Beyond Good and Evil, Chapter 6 - We Scholars).
The declaration of independence of the scientific man, his emancipation from philosophy, is one of the subtler after-effects of democratic organization and disorganization: the self- glorification and self-conceitedness of the learned man is now everywhere in full bloom, and in its best springtime - which does not mean to imply that in this case self-praise smells sweet. Here also the instinct of the populace cries, "Freedom from all masters!" and after science has, with the happiest results, resisted theology, whose "hand-maid" it had been too long, it now proposes in its wantonness and indiscretion to lay down laws for philosophy, and in its turn to play the "master" - what am I saying! to play the PHILOSOPHER on its own account.
According to Nietzsche, when practicing science independently (blindly following the result of the scientific method), scientists are essentially fulfilling the role of a philosopher. Logically, that would be based on a belief or dogma (uniformitarianism) that legitimizes autonomous application of science (without further thinking about whether it is actually 'good' what is being done).
At question thereby is: is it justified to factor our uncomparable concepts such as "life" and what could be the result for morality when such concepts are not factored out? In my opinion: it will result in the requirement of philosophical contemplation. Logically, it will result in a basis for respect to be required for plants and animals while humans learn that they cannot stand above life as being life.