Peter Holmes wrote: ↑January 26th, 2020, 3:44 pm
I don't know where you get this explanation of objectivity and subjectivity from. They usually refer to independence from opinion and dependence on opinion - so their application is not limited to propositions - as your Alfie example demonstrates.
You're correct, but those applications are derivative. Whatever else we deem to be subjective or objective will something asserted in some proposition.
“Objective” and “subjective,” like the terms “true” and “false,” to apply fundamentally to propositions. It is statements, assertions, which have the properties imputed by those terms. Of course, subjectivity/objectivity are often also imputed to entities, properties of entities, and states of affairs asserted by a proposition. I.e., we can say such things as that elephants objectively exist, or that Paris is the capital of France is an “objective fact.” But applying them to these kinds of things is a derivative use: entities and states of affairs take on the objectivity or subjectivity of the propositions which assert them. That is, we consider it an objective fact that Paris is the capital of France only because the proposition, “Paris is the capital of France” is both true and objective.
Now, per Tarski, “Paris is the capital of France” is true IFF Paris is the capital of France. Paris being the capital of France is the truth condition for the proposition, “Paris is the capital of France.”
But what makes that proposition objective, as opposed to subjective?
What makes it objective is that the truth condition for it, that Paris is the capital of France, is publicly verifiable. Paris is the capital of France if it is the place where the legislature sits, where most government departments have their head offices, etc. For any truth condition which imparts objectivity to a proposition there is an implicit, understood verification procedure for ascertaining whether the condition holds. Anyone who questions the truth of the proposition “Paris is the capital of France” can investigate its truth by observing where the legislature normally sits, where the ministers in charge of various departments have their offices, and so on. It is the possibility of communicating which observations are required, and of anyone being able to carry them out, that makes “Paris is the capital of France” an objective proposition.
A subjective proposition, on the other hand, is one which has no publicly verifiable truth conditions. Either the truth conditions are unclear, or they cannot be specified, or there is no consensus about what they are. “Paris is a beautiful city” is subjective for the latter reason. Because different people apply different standards of beauty, and thus do not agree about what does and does not count as “beautiful,” there is no public truth condition for that proposition. The only truth conditions for it --- if they can be articulated at all --- will be private ones.
A proposition remains objective even if people disagree about its truth, provided they nonetheless agree about its truth conditions and its verification procedure(s). For example, Alfie may have heard, from a source he considers reliable, that the French Assembly had moved the capital of France to Marseilles. Thus he now believes “Paris is the capital of France” is false. But he will still agree that the truth condition for that statement involves where the assembly meets, etc., that the verification procedure involves making the observations above, and that the truth or falsity of “Paris is the capital of France” will turn on the outcome of those observations.
The next question is, then, when and why should it be the case that a proposition has no verification procedure?
Well, one reason would be that condition which prompts Alfie to assert the proposition, or which subjectively justifies his asserting it, cannot be specified in the public language (the language he shares with his hearers, and with which they communicate). If the state of affairs which confirms the proposition cannot be described (via that shared language) with sufficient precision to inform his hearer, Bruno, what he must do to verify it --- what he must look for --- then the proposition must remain subjective. There can be no consensus around a truth condition or a verification procedure which cannot be articulated in the common language.
Another reason would be that the state of affairs which justifies the proposition is unobservable in principle by anyone except Alfie, the speaker. The “in principle” means, as usual, that the inability of Bruno to make the required observation is not merely a matter of circumstance, that Bruno just does not happen to be properly positioned, at present, to make the required observation. It means that Bruno could not place himself in that position no matter what he did. There is nothing Bruno (or anyone except Alfie) can do, nowhere he can go, to make the observation.
Bruno cannot carry out the verification procedure (say, look for state of affairs
s to verify
p) if there is no possibility that Bruno can look at
s. But Alfie cannot even
tell Bruno what to look for unless
s can be described in the public language. We can say that anything which is both homogeneous (has no relatable parts or properties) and which can be observed (in principle) by only one person is intrinsically subjective.
I realize this is something of a sidetrack. More on your other comments later.