Peter Holmes wrote: ↑January 25th, 2020, 8:15 am
I agree with your approach here - with reservations. I think my OP question is absolutely the right one, because everything we think about morality - including the subsidiary 'what is morality for? - follows from how we answer it. And I agree that clarifying terms is vital - only this isn't about conceptual analysis, but rather explaining how we use or could use words.
I agree.
You lose me here. 'Choose an objective goal' looks like a contradiction in terms. How can a chosen goal be independent from opinion? That's the whole point of my OP.
We start with a couple of universal, objective facts:
1. Everyone strives to secure and advance their own welfare (which can include the welfare of others important to them), i.e., to maximize "the good" and minimize evils, as they each define those.
2. What advances welfare differs from person to person.
Though what each person counts as a good or evil is subjective, that they do consider various things as goods or evils is objective. So a goal to the effect, "Develop principles and rules of interaction which will allow all agents to maximize welfare as each defines it" is a
morally neutral goal; it is universal, it assumes no values and begs no moral questions.
Strictly speaking, "objective" and "subjective" don't apply to goals (they only apply to propositions). That Alfie declares and pursues goal X is a subjective choice on his part. That he does pursue that goal is an objective fact.
The goal of a theory, however, is not a personal goal; it does not assert any particular interest of any particular person. It is indifferent to personal goals. But it does require a consensus among everyone interested in a viable theory of the subject matter in question. There is, I think, a consensus that the aim of ethics is to secure and advance "the good," or "the good life," in some sense. If there is, and if we agree that what constitutes "the good" or "the good life" differs from person to person, then the goal stated above becomes "quasi-objective."
Maximising well-being (Sam Harris?) - assuming we can agree, at least roughly, what that means - seems to many of us a rational social goal. But the moral rights and wrongs involved in choosing the goal and the means are all matters of opinion, and so subjective, as you say. It's moral turtles all the way down.
Oh, but they're not. Whether a particular rule or act promotes or thwarts the declared goal is usually an empirical question, and thus objective. E.g., if an act advances Alfie's welfare but reduces Bruno's, it violates the universality requirement ("all agents"). We also assume an "equal agency" postulate, which asserts that all agents subject to the theory have equal status and no agent's interests take priority over those of another.