kk23wong wrote: ↑February 26th, 2020, 3:22 am
First of all, thank you very much for your reply. It makes me think deeper into the question.
After a prolonged deep thinking, I found myself actually DO NOT know to what extend we have been manipulated by the God, so I would say to a large extend we are controlled by the God. In fact, we are under control of the God much more then most of us would have expected.
Although I have schizophrenia, I was no different from anyone else who was inside this big picture. I don't know much beside from the truth that the symptoms (ear hallucinations) of the schizophrenia was done by the God. I was making logical guesses that this voices from the head come directly from the God and possibility that the God is the only one capable of doing this. In another word, all related myths with similar circumstances (e.g. ghosts, gods and demons) come from the same subject i.e. the God herself. In addition, gender was not an issue at all.
The God was a manipulator. It was fun to see so many people inside the world under her controls (or allow me to use the word "her game") talk about "Free Will". At least, it reveals the God has given us some autonomy. In another word, we are not under absolute controls by the God. However, I am uncertain about the degree of autonomy we are enjoying.
My question would then, how much control does God really have? If God manifests herself to you as a choice in your head, is she really controlling you, or more like influencing you? If you are not compelled by the voices, but have the ability to accept or reject them, then you do have decision-making autonomy, even if you think this is limited.
Another way you can look at it is that God "gives us several options", although the options may be phrased in a way that seem manipulative. For example, if God, through the voice in your head, tells you "don't you wanna steal that woman's purse?" then she's giving you the option of yes or no, and you can choose, but the phrasing is delivered with a suggestive bias. Ultimately, you control your own actions, though.
After you've experienced what you believe to be encounters with God, you've concluded that she's not "all-good". Perhaps it's due to the nature and content of her suggestions, perhaps it's due to the overall suffering and discomfort you've experienced as a result. One thing you haven't characterized this definition of God as is "all-knowing", and that's pivotal to the topic. If God is influencing you (perhaps to do evil, or harm yourself) but allows you to freely choose to do or not do, then she doesn't know what decision you're actually going to make. As such, she's not really an "omniscient" God in the manner suggested by the op.