Jklint wrote: ↑August 19th, 2019, 6:36 pm
Jklint wrote: ↑August 18th, 2019, 8:23 pmWas it really necessary to fill the universe with so many black holes? Was this a way of erasing his own failures? All very legitimate philosophical questions. :mrgreen
No arguments from me! I was just being my usual arrogant, sarcastic self. I was thinking analogically that Black Holes in reference to god is merely ITS ways of blotting out confidential or incriminating data in much the same manner politicians do when forced to make their reports public. In a rather weird way the analogy seems pertinent in that the mysteries inside a Black Hole may never be completely declassified.
It's extremely unlikely a universe could exist without them or more speculatively, that the universe itself may be contained in one. Gravitationally, it seems to me there would be no difference in thinking of the universe itself as a super-giant Black Hole; if you multiplex that into a multiverse design it could possibly explain Dark Energy as that proceeding from neighboring Black Holes causing the acceleration rate whose cause we still don't know. But these are just amateurish speculations!
Sagittarius A * - as far as this galaxy is concerned - can truly be considered its local temple god among a near infinity of such localities creating ONE universe...and who knows how many more of them there are. Within a multiverse, the space requirements of a single universe may be no larger than that of a lonely quark relative to our universe.
If the universe is digital then black holes may be its compression protocols.
Better stop here before I lose it!
In order to help you climb your intellectual Parnasus, I have run your essay through various translators and academic sentence generators.
No arguments from me! I was just being my customary arrogant, mordant self. I was cerebrating analogically that Ebony Apertures in reference to god is merely ITS ways of blotting out confidential or incriminating data in much the same manner politicians do when coerced to make their reports public. In a rather weird way the analogy seems pertinent in that the mysteries inside a Ebony Aperture may never be consummately declassified.
It's profoundly unlikely a macrocosm could subsist without them or more speculatively, that the macrocosm itself may be contained in one. Gravitationally, it seems to me there would be no difference in cerebrating of the macrocosm itself as a super-giant Ebony Aperture; if you multiplex that into a multiverse design it could possibly expound Dark Energy as that proceeding from neighboring Ebony Apertures causing the expedition rate whose cause we still don't ken. But these are just tyronic notional theorizations!
Sagittarius A * - as far as this galaxy is concerned - can authentically be considered its local temple god among a near illimitability of such localities engendering ONE macrocosm...and who kens how many more of them there are. Within a multiverse, the space requisites of a single macrocosm may be no more immensely colossal than that of a solitary quark relative to our macrocosm.
If the macrocosm is digital then ebony apertures may be its compression protocols.
Better stop here afore I lose it!
Latin is nice
Nec argumentis a me! EGO eram iustus mihi solet esse superbus, mordax sui. Titanium in lumine foraminula sum ad Deum solum analogice de moribus aut criminis indicia multa specialis delens quod non similiter publica fama publica facere cogitur. In a fatum potius esse videtur analogia ad viam pertinet, quod interius in arcanis, ut nunquam Titanium aperturæ non declassified consummatur.
Est penitus abhorret a maiori mundo vel intellectualiter, absque illis legibus caderent, id ipsum ad maiorem eorum aliqui contineatur in unum. Gravitationally videtur mihi ex maiori lumine nulla differentia est sicut gigas magnis Titanium aperturæ; multiplex esse non posset, si in consilio exponere multiverse Tenebris segnius propinquos procedentem Titanium aperturarum expeditionem faciendam certe scis quare non habemus. Sed isti sunt huiusmodi tyronic sicut theorizations!
Sagittarius A * - quatenus haec quidem galaxia - vere non posse considerari locus templo dei sui et inter haec loca iuxta illimitability in Macrocosmo Motuum praecedentium ... generans et unus ex illis non amplius sint, quot Kens. Multiverse intra spatium unius maiori apparatu infinitæ magnitudinis ultra quam ad nostrum solitariam Quark maiori.
Si ergo hebeninos commutaverunt in maiore mundo digital foraminum sit compressio protocols.
Melius amitto hic consistendum ante eam
No arguments from me! I was just habituated to being proud, exacting their own. By analogy, to the search for God alone in the light of the diminutive apertures of the titanium am the having blotted out that it is not in like manner public morals, or the report of a special public evidence of a malefaction compelled to do many things. That the analogy to the way of the fate of it belongs in a more preponderant than they are, what they cerebrate interiorly in the secret, not declassified so as never to titanium of the aperture is brought to completion.
There is a more preponderant thing in the world or be thoroughly at variance with, or perception, without these laws would perish, that withal is the greatest of them may be contained in one of them. It seemeth to me there is not a difference of the light, like a giant gravitationally with great titanium from the major premiss of the aperture; may be of many would not be able, of his relatives, if, proceeding more gradually than in the counsel of titanium The dark aperture of the campaign, to expound the multiverse, why can not we have to be made at least knowest. But these are the kind tyronic as Theorization!
Sagittarius A * - to the extent that the galaxy - it authentically can not be considered a place near the temple of their god during these places illimitability in the macrocosm ... engenderer and one of them no longer have many Kens. Equipment within the space of one of the more immensely colossal to the multiverse immensely great, more than our solitary Quark a major one.
If, consequently, there is a compression of the apertures of the special markets; they exchanged for the macrocosm is the digital protocols.
Better stop here afore I lose it
Morse code is sometimes helpful
-.. -.-. --- -.. . / -- --- .-. ... . -. --- / .- .-. --. ..- -- . -. - ... / ..-. .-. --- -- / -- . -.-.-- / .. / .-- .- ... / .--- ..- ... - / -... . .. -. --. / -- -.-- / -.-. --- -. ...- . -. - .. --- -. .- .-.. / .- .-. .-. --- --. .- -. - --..-- / -- --- .-. -.. .- -.-. .. --- ..- ... / ... . .-.. ..-. .-.-.- / .. / .-- .- ... / -.-. . .-. . -... .-. .- - .. -. --. / .- -. .- .-.. --- --. .. -.-. .- .-.. .-.. -.-- / - .... .- - / . -... --- -. -.-- / .- .--. . .-. - ..- .-. . ... / .. -. / .-. . ..-. . .-. . -. -.-. . / - --- / --. --- -.. / .. ... / -- . .-. . .-.. -.-- / .. - ... / .-- .- -.-- ... / --- ..-. / -... .-.. --- - - .. -. --. / --- ..- - / -.-. --- -. ..-. .. -.. . -. - .. .- .-.. / --- .-. / .. -. -.-. .-. .. -- .. -. .- - .. -. --. / -.. .- - .- / .. -. / -- ..- -.-. .... / - .... . / ... .- -- . / -- .- -. -. . .-. / .--. --- .-.. .. - .. -.-. .. .- -. ... / -.. --- / .-- .... . -. / -.-. --- . .-. -.-. . -.. / - --- / -- .- -.- . / - .... . .. .-. / .-. . .--. --- .-. - ... / .--. ..- -... .-.. .. -.-. .-.-.- / .. -. / .- / .-. .- - .... . .-. / .-- . .. .-. -.. / .-- .- -.-- / - .... . / .- -. .- .-.. --- --. -.-- / ... . . -- ... / .--. . .-. - .. -. . -. - / .. -. / - .... .- - / - .... . / -- -.-- ... - . .-. .. . ... / .. -. ... .. -.. . / .- / . -... --- -. -.-- / .- .--. . .-. - ..- .-. . / -- .- -.-- / -. . ...- . .-. / -... . / - .... --- .-. --- ..- --. .... .-.. -.-- / -.. . -.-. .-.. .- ... ... .. ..-. .. . -.. .-.-.- / .. - .----. ... / .--. .-. --- -.. .. --. .. --- ..- ... .-.. -.-- / ..- -. .-.. .. -.- . .-.. -.-- / .- / -- .- -.-. .-. --- -.-. --- ... -- / -.-. --- ..- .-.. -.. / ... ..- -... ... .. ... - / .-- .. - .... --- ..- - / - .... . -- / --- .-. / -- --- .-. . / ... .--. . -.-. ..- .-.. .- - .. ...- . .-.. -.-- --..-- / - .... .- - / - .... . / -- .- -.-. .-. --- -.-. --- ... -- / .. - ... . .-.. ..-. / -- .- -.-- / -... . / -.-. --- -. - .- .. -. . -.. / .. -. / --- -. . .-.-.- / --. .-. .- ...- .. - .- - .. --- -. .- .-.. .-.. -.-- --..-- / .. - / ... . . -- ... / - --- / -- . / - .... . .-. . / .-- --- ..- .-.. -.. / -... . / -. --- / -.. .. ..-. ..-. . .-. . -. -.-. . / .. -. / -.-. . .-. . -... .-. .- - .. -. --. / --- ..-. / - .... . / -- .- -.-. .-. --- -.-. --- ... -- / .. - ... . .-.. ..-. / .- ... / .- / ... ..- .--. . .-. -....- --. .. .- -. - / . -... --- -. -.-- / .- .--. . .-. - ..- .-. . -.-.-. / .. ..-. / -.-- --- ..- / -- ..- .-.. - .. .--. .-.. . -..- / - .... .- - / .. -. - --- / .- / -- ..- .-.. - .. ...- . .-. ... . / -.. . ... .. --. -. / .. - / -.-. --- ..- .-.. -.. / .--. --- ... ... .. -... .-.. -.-- / . -..- .--. .-.. .. -.-. .- - . / -.. .- .-. -.- / . -. . .-. --. -.-- / .- ... / - .... .- - / .--. .-. --- -.-. . . -.. .. -. --. / ..-. .-. --- -- / -. . .. --. .... -... --- .-. .. -. --. / . -... --- -. -.-- / .- .--. . .-. - ..- .-. . ... / -.-. .- ..- ... .. -. --. / - .... . / . -..- .--. . -.. .. - .. --- -. / .-. .- - . / .-- .... --- ... . / -.-. .- ..- ... . / .-- . / ... - .. .-.. .-.. / -.. --- -. .----. - / -.- . -. .-.-.- / -... ..- - / - .... . ... . / .- .-. . / .--- ..- ... - / - -.-- .-. --- -. .. -.-. / -. --- - .. --- -. .- .-.. / - .... . --- .-. .. --.. .- - .. --- -. ... -.-.-- / ... .- --. .. - - .- .-. .. ..- ... / .- / -....- / .- ... / ..-. .- .-. / .- ... / - .... .. ... / --. .- .-.. .- -..- -.-- / .. ... / -.-. --- -. -.-. . .-. -. . -.. / -....- / -.-. .- -. / --. . -. ..- .. -. . .-.. -.-- / -... . / -.-. --- -. ... .. -.. . .-. . -.. / .. - ... / .-.. --- -.-. .- .-.. / - . -- .--. .-.. . / --. --- -.. / .- -- --- -. --. / .- / -. . .- .-. / .. .-.. .-.. .. -- .. - .- -... .. .-.. .. - -.-- / --- ..-. / ... ..- -.-. .... / .-.. --- -.-. .- .-.. .. - .. . ... / . -. --. . -. -.. . .-. .. -. --. / --- -. . / -- .- -.-. .-. --- -.-. --- ... -- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .- -. -.. / .-- .... --- / -.- . -. ... / .... --- .-- / -- .- -. -.-- / -- --- .-. . / --- ..-. / - .... . -- / - .... . .-. . / .- .-. . .-.-.- / .-- .. - .... .. -. / .- / -- ..- .-.. - .. ...- . .-. ... . --..-- / - .... . / ... .--. .- -.-. . / .-. . --.- ..- .. ... .. - . ... / --- ..-. / .- / ... .. -. --. .-.. . / -- .- -.-. .-. --- -.-. --- ... -- / -- .- -.-- / -... . / -. --- / -- --- .-. . / .. -- -- . -. ... . .-.. -.-- / -.-. --- .-.. --- ... ... .- .-.. / - .... .- -. / - .... .- - / --- ..-. / .- / ... --- .-.. .. - .- .-. -.-- / --.- ..- .- .-. -.- / .-. . .-.. .- - .. ...- . / - --- / --- ..- .-. / -- .- -.-. .-. --- -.-. --- ... -- .-.-.- / .. ..-. / - .... . / -- .- -.-. .-. --- -.-. --- ... -- / .. ... / -.. .. --. .. - .- .-.. / - .... . -. / . -... --- -. -.-- / .- .--. . .-. - ..- .-. . ... / -- .- -.-- / -... . / .. - ... / -.-. --- -- .--. .-. . ... ... .. --- -. / .--. .-. --- - --- -.-. --- .-.. ... .-.-.- / -... . - - . .-. / ... - --- .--. / .... . .-. . / .- ..-. --- .-. . / .. / .-.. --- ... . / .. -