You still have not said what you mean by this, or why it is important, or special.
I should tell you, Sculpture1, that I am not being clever or original. (Frankly, there are no original ideas left and philosophy has met its end in postmodernism.) These are strange ideas to your ears because philosophy is about strange ideas we encounter when we examine the assumptions about the world at the most basic level. If you read enough of it, you will NOT believe as you do now.
I lifted it from Wittgenstein, who was inspired by Kant, Kierkegaard, Schopenhauer, Plato...everyone. The basic idea I think is succinctly put by Richard Rorty: "I never could see how it is that anything out there (pointing to objects in the world) gets in here (pointing to his head)". From there, inquiry goes absolutely insane, and you begin to see that the world
in the perceptual act is complex. What is the thought that conceives the object? How can we understand the object AS a thought about the object and still preserve the independence of the thing? Is it possible at all to understand objects in the world as they are. or are we always, in the perceptual encounter, already interpreting the object AS an object. What does AS mean here? And so on, and so on.
This is the tip of the tip of an iceberg that has eternity beneath the surface.
If you really want to know and are genuinely philosophically intrigued, read Kant's Critique of Pure Reason for starters. Why not take a few months and see what the man has to say?