Instead of proving himself in his first book as an unswerving follower of
Schopenhauer Nietzsche discovered in Greek art a bulwark against
Schopenhauer's pessimism. One can oppose the shallow optimism of so
many Western thinkers and yet refuse to negate life. Schopenhauer's
negative pessimism is rejected along with the superficial optimism of the
popular Hegelians and Darwinists: One can face the terrors of history and
nature with unbroken courage and say Yes to life.
Is this possible? Can a person in full sight of the world and its dreadful aspects say Yes to life? I mean, of course, you can say it, you can put it forth as a life affirmation to cure the nagging pain of beholding what is there, but to have this as a remedy is disingenuous, an act of bad faith. For to "cure" the agony of despair that issues from the compassion that insists on seeing clearly in spite of the rationalizing metaphysics as well as the moronic distractions of modern culture (many of which I love), one has to maintain an abiding understanding; one cannot look away, for this is not what people who want the truth do.
Of course, if compassion is an alien notion to you, then there is nothing to discuss. Not giving a damn is not to be burdened in the first place with moral understanding. (A place waits for you on Trump's team.)
Walter Kaufmann's quote above refers to a philosophical saying Yes to life, not a mere practical one. Obviously, we can't go around feeling miserable until everyone is off life's hook. The point here is that this philosophical optimism seems a contradiction in terms: affirming life (the total acknowledged reality of human selves) logically negates the recognition of suffering.
The only "cure" would lie beyond what is seen. Our true life, Levinas wrote, is absent.