Then you're back to the same fallacy with a different hat on: To whom is this ethical why addressed?
Pain being a natural - specifically biological - phenomenon, it has no intention, no will, no persona. Where would it get a moral sense? How could it answer a question about ethics -- which were not even invented until a very, very long time after pain.
This is what happens to philosophy when what Husserl called the "naturalistic" attitude dominates theory. First, consider that while the tern 'pain' is interpretatively bound as are all terms. The conditions we may insist apply are tentative, open and contextual.When it comes to matters of faith and metaphysically foundational ideas, absolutes, we see that the familiar ways of thinking are seriously inadequate. This is why terms like 'God' come into existence: it is a placeholder, a metaphor that draws on the familiar to GIVE a foundation to the human condition, but such a term is only borrowed. Here, 'pain' is certainly a very contextually familiar term. You, that is, your side of the issue, would hold there is only one way pain can be interpreted with ethical meaning, and that would be in the context of people and their affairs. Beyond this, say, the accidental breaking your leg in a fall, there is no ethical aspect since there is no "who" to track down--putting aside, of course, incidental entanglements, like when someone's negligence causes the conditions of you falling. That is beside the point here. this latter is an important point for it goes to the heart of the issue. There comes a point in analysis of pain in context where accountability runs out. Playing that absurd post modernist game where questions meet every assertion actually shows this clearly: the question "why" trails off into endlessness, until are exasperated and give up. All things are like this, and the biologist, the physicist and the rest simply don't attend to this. They stay in context, but inquiry goes out to eternity. Who cares when it comes to terms like cloud a tree and coffee cup, but pain is very, very different. It is its "thereness" out of context that haunts humanity. Pain is intrinsically ethical, essentially an ethical term and its accountability is not spelled out in familiar terms. Of course, this is true of all things. The term 'cloud' is equally a mystery if you track it down the point where context is left behind, all things are mystified like this; but again, who cares about clouds and the absolute definition of a cloud? The term 'cloud' is not intrinsically ethical, only contingently so, as, say, when they becomes filled with radioactivity after the some sovereign nation test its aggressive potential.
Because pain is inherently ethical, one might say it calls out for a "who did this," and this is the naturla tendency. But it is not so much a who that metaphysics presents us with, and this natural tendency should be put aside. It is a what that we encounter first. How is it that pain can be inherently "bad", bad in the ethical sense? we cannot treat this term in the usual way, like terms like 'cloud' and the rest that have no inherent ethcal dimension. BUt: Given the naturalistic attitude that dominates our thinking, we are predisposed to do just this. This is why people don't understand what religion is all about. They go after the obvious targets, like the personification in God, and all of the silly history of metaphysics.
This is where we find the objectivity of religion
Religion can, only by inventing a human face to paste onto nature.
Without a god or gods to direct your question to, the question is moot.
Inventing a human face helps if you are not so interested justifying your thinking. Looking more closely at things shows their essence.
That's all that can be explained - unless you take a particular individual to task for a particular harm they have caused.
Suffering doesn't possess an ethical nature. Nature doesn't possess an ethical nature. Snails do not possess an ethical nature. Ethical behaviour is the exclusive property of intelligent social animals; the concept is the exclusive property of the human species.
Well, what is a snail? I mean, and I mean this seriously, when you look at a snail, you bring the snail into the context of observation, you observation. You assimilate it, and in doing so, the question is begged: these interpretative standards, what are they? What are they based on? I cannot take the time here to explain how important this is, but I refer you to Kierkegaard, Heidegger , Husserl, and other (not at all that these confirm what I defend here, but the establish a phenomenological grounding for the meaning of being interpretatively delimited) but consider: the true reality of the snail is only to be had in the the very small world of the interior phenomenology of the snail. If there is value there, and I suspect there is, there is a spark of the ethical, but I have no idea how to fathom this. To speak in common terms about snails and ethics seems absurd. ( I don't know, would you put a live snail in a microwave? How about a cat? Ethics most certainly applies here)
No. It is in the the mind of an aware, compassionate human. Whoever inflicted the damage on this child - on any sentient other being - may possibly redeem him or herself by acts of outstanding kindness. Possibly.
But there is no price, no second chance, no pardon, no redemption for victims.
The child Vishnu, along with all the elephants, bears, chickens, dolphins and political prisoners, is a waste product of life.
Waste product? But already know this is not true. You are taking 'waste product' from a non ethical context, and bringing it to bear on ethical agents. It is a categorial *(or categorical, putting aside the ambiguity) error. We never think of people like this because they are value agents, that is, they are joyful, suffering, in love, in anguish, and so on. Only if you remove this dimi=ension of being a person can you think like this. Welcome to the world of the nazis, of Corey Lewandowski, of all the horrible, amoral smucks of the world! Turn a person into an object: the very essence of war, say Levinas.
Sorry for all the writing. I am on a break these days.