In my adolescence I spent a fair share of my time and energy contemplating philosophical ideas, though I did not read existing philosophical ideas. While this helped me to get a sense of the starting point of my own philosophy before beginning to be influenced by other thinkers, it did leave me with an unfortunate shortage of philosophical education. As I've begun reading a little bit of classic philosophy, I appreciate how they wrestled with the same questions I've had, arrived at similar conclusions, took ideas in other directions, or developed their ideas far beyond any point I ever had.
We all have a philosophy. That cannot be helped. The act of philosophy is to consciously engage with our philosophy to understand and improve it.
I can practice philosophy privately, as an individual soul engaging with the world around me. There have been a rare few in my life with whom I might be able to engage in philosophical discussion by which I am able to better see and improve myself. From the few philosophical books I've read, I've found that we can never be as close to the living as we can be to those who have spent their lives articulating themselves to us. As time has gone on, my brain has grown tired, but I still hope to philosophise as best I can. Now, I hope this forum will help me to hone my ability to reason and articulate that reasoning, and to become better educated in the realm of philosophy. I probably should have joined a forum like this a while ago.