I am saying that human intelligence is multi-faceted and reason is just one aspect of it. It includes intuition, emotional sensitivity and empathy, and other nonlogical perceptual faculties. Paring it down to analytical reason alone will excise our humanity in the process. I know you are a musician, if you boiled down the music you enjoy to a series of computer algorithms, what would become of it?
Greta: "Remember, the US is not the vanguard any more so we can assume that, whatever we are told these days is behind the cutting edge. While the Confederates are getting restless in the US, China is pulling ahead (since they don't have a huge and well-resources anti-science faction holding them back) and their advances are not always being reported in the west."
No ethical principles to hold them back either... I wouldn't hold up China as an example because they are proving the point I just made: they are refining and utilizing AI for the express purpose of spying on and oppressing their citizens - cold hard logic in action.
Greta: "By the time we humans can no longer live on a stripped Earth, you'd expect AI to be highly advanced and capable of self-support and self-improvement in the absence of humans."
The problem is that "self improvement" becomes a dreadful curse when a completely self-centered entity pursues it.