eyesofastranger wrote: ↑April 20th, 2019, 6:58 pm
If you could offer any equations or replicatable experiments that even hint at what your saying I would recommend publishing at once. Even if all you could provide was a direction in understanding something like the Cambrian explosion the results would reopen Dover and Scopes as well as a mob of underhanded greedy evangelist types slipping on their own ejaculate trying to get up your driveway.
The topic of human consciousness surviving bodily death would remain unanswered. If our consciousness becomes one with such an advanced thought cognizance nothing of the simple human animal would remain. By your own admission that plane is not in tune with our own. By human animal understanding would we consider that a form of survival?
Good post eyes! I appreciate the humor and I have spent some time worrying about creationists ejaculate clogging my plumbing.
Remember the Taoist saying "First there is a mountain then there is no mountain and then there is a mountain". So it is with evolution. When first I conceived my theory it seemed to me I might be asking for strange bedfellows. However, on further reflection, I realized that there is both natural selection and creative design. Let me first focus on the role of creationism.
In my theory our soul/mind originated in lower fractal levels of reality. I am asserting that this soul/mind survives our bodily death and is responsible for embedding itself in this higher fractal level of molecules which we are deluded into thinking all came from quantum fluctuations of "The Nothingness". I do have mathematical equations that I have developed that estimate the size of these lower level life forces. Their whole galactic (N-1)ecology would be around a Plank volume in our N level. This is very important because while there is an element of creationism in this thesis it has to be measured according to both its size and technological prowess. Its size is so small compared to us that it would be completely impotent for creationism on our higher N level if it were not for its extensive integration with other galactic ecosystems and its advanced, compared to us, technological prowess.
At the same time, we cannot make the mistake that this soul/mind is not an integral part of us but is some external influence that gives birth to us. The simple human animal still remains as an evolving mixture of genes, basically mechanical and designed to evolve. These creatures designed the cell to be used as their home, but that is about as far as its creationism actively functioned. From that point on, having cell imbedded genes and the mechanisms for constructing multi-celled organisms, they let themselves evolve in this N+1 level of reality.