Belindi wrote: ↑January 20th, 2019, 7:27 pm
Fdesilva wrote: ↑January 20th, 2019, 4:18 pm
My reasoning for saying that is as follows. The brain can reflect the universe out side the brain. It makes a little universe. Now in that refelected universe I am king. So given the reflection has a king the real universe must also have a king/God
Pantheism includes all the things that happen,all events . Your fantasy is an event that happened. But what your fantasy of God was about has no referent . If you claim that your thought of God has a referent you need to be able to point to the referent.
The myth of Christ points to a referent for God in the person of Jesus Christ.
"Pantheism includes all the things that happen,all events" this is true, but a person comes to know this via the events they experiance personnally. From these they infere there is more happening out side of them.
"Your fantasy is an event that happened. But what your fantasy of God was about has no referent ."
All I am saying is a person comes to believe in Pantheism or anything else by refelecting on their own existence in relation to other things that they believe also exist. All these are collectively "thoughts". I dont think I understand what you mean by that statement? If you mean that a person needs to have a reference to show others on what they have come to know about God that is true. However what I am talking about is comming to such a conslusion in the first place.