RJG wrote:My point is that there is no rational logic that validates your assertion...
Fooloso4 wrote:My point is that there is no need for rational logic to validate that your neighbor has thoughts and subjective experience. If automatons were common then it might be reasonable to question the assumption, but unless there is good reason to think your neighbor is an automaton there is no reason to think it is reasonable to require rational logic to validate that he is human with ordinary human mental states.
It seems that you are trying to assert/claim -- '
beliefs' should be considered as 'truths' ...correct?
Including "reasonableness" in your argument as a qualifier is seemingly non-sensical and redundant. Firstly, "reasonableness" is determined by the beholder (the believer) himself, not by some outside independent party. Secondly, "reasonableness" is already implied in one's belief (or assumption). If one thought their belief "unreasonable", then their belief would not be a belief. In other words,
EVERYBODY believes their beliefs are "reasonable"!
One's (reasonably held) 'belief' that the moon is made of cheese, does not necessarily mean that it is 'true', ...right?
One's (reasonably held) 'belief' that ghosts and demons invisibly fly around, does not necessarily mean it is 'true', ...right?
One's (reasonably held) 'belief' that one's neighbor is/is not a zombie, does not necessarily mean that it is/is not 'true', ...right?
So why is it that so many of us continually and insistently assert/claim our '
beliefs' as '
Why can't we just leave 'beliefs' as 'beliefs', ...and leave the 'truths' (and falses) to '