First, it's under control. Second, I don't expect this to happen to you. (There are many factors to it; it wasn't ONLY the philosophy.)
While finishing my final paper for my German Idealism class, I experienced a moment of pure ecstasy. This was the moment my life changed. I was absolutely certain that the combination of my theories had the requisite information and arguments necessary to save the world and that the proofs would reach and harmonize all communicating societies. I sent my paper off on social media, to consortiums of journalists, to news media, to government officials, and to whoever I thought it would assist. When one group failed to respond, I would send it out to three more. That was three years ago.
My personality changed. My senses were heightened. I spoke with conviction and power and had no fear. Each moment had a special significance, I knew that I was special and it was just a matter of time to see the results. Then I began to see what I thought were the fruits of my labor. News media would (I now am completely aware that this is false) hide secret messages in their broadcast for me. I listened to politicians use and spread "my" logic, at times I thought that news media was openly quoting me. I lost the need for regular sleep as my energy levels never seemed to diminish. I went out and shared my insights with others who either immediately loved me or wanted to fight me. My loving family had me hospitalized but I refused to admit any fault; I attempted (I thought successfully) to convince everyone I came across of how I was right and what effect my work would have.
I eventually went way off the map with my beliefs, even thinking that the ducks and turtles were animatronic and I was being monitored constantly. I had no fear because I eventually even believed that a benevolent subset of society had the power to read minds. I felt like a god. I even believed that the reported deaths were being faked and people were getting younger and not dying. Anyway, to make a long story short, I am doing much better now and am successfully being treated and have let go of all (or at least most) of the delusions.
Back to reality... So why am I here? First, my psychiatrist recommended it (because he said that online forums "tend to be brutally honest.") Second, I am TryingMyBest to get feedback on what I thought were seemingly magical philosophical theories. Third, I am also hoping to get referred to other philosophers' works so I can learn in an organic way.
I realize I'm putting myself out there but I don't mind; just try to be respectful. -TMB