- June 22nd, 2016, 3:20 am
Well looking at your previous reply to me in your thread I can see you need to improve the precision of the words you are using. Reading some modern philosophy will help you combat and understand the required precision of terms and their context.
By all means write and talk. There is a difference between writing and talking and philosophy though. For the most part people on online forums are only concerned with writing and talking not improving their philosophical discourse and ability to understand word usage and how to interpret and apply meanings.
I have always struggled to express thoughts, but over the years I have improved and learned some limitations.
I take your OP seriously and I am answering it seriously. If you want to improve your view of philosophy and talk about philosophy then read some philosophy. Struggle with it, disagree with, turn it over, come to understand your position in regards to it, then see if you can use it in any way.
Many people say to start with the Greek philosophers. I honestly think it is better to start with something more modern as the precision of language use is more apparent and readily available. That is not to say the ancient Greeks are useless! Far from it. I only suggest this because the concepts used in modern philosophy are closer historically and dealt with with a greater deal of precision.
There are also plenty of lectures on youtube. You can never replace the actual text for a brief summation of it though. Maybe you don't feel inclined to read anything just yet. I didn't read anything for a long time regarding philosophy. Once I had established certain views of my own I found the need to and gained a great deal by doing so.
-- Updated June 22nd, 2016, 4:03 am to add the following --
To get you started you say that you crave knowledge.
What do you mean by "knowledge"?
You may answer it is what I know. Then you can follow up that answer with the question of what it is to know and how I say I come to "know" something.
If you've had the dedication to read Kant you will be able to refer to him in regards to his Critic of Pure Reason and his look at what we can know prior to experience and how he regards "knowledge".
You can even start to talk about different kinds of knowledge. Going back to Plato he talked about distinctions of opinion, belief and knowledge. Kant does the same too.
Knowledge has in the paat been defined as "justified true belief", but this leads to the question of what judgement, truth and belief mean.
From my experience studying philosophy requires an ability to accept numerous lexicons and not confuse them with each other. Meaning that the very same word may be used by someone that, although having the appearance of being identical, may be subtley different further in the explanation being given.
An obvious example would be Kant and what he calls "intuition". You may think you know what intuition means, but until you read what Kant means by this term you don't know what he means. This brings into question the whole value of the subjectivity of language opposed to its objective value. Another complex issue that can be grasped at from different angles.
Wittgenstein, I belief, goes into some detail in this very area in his "Philosophical Investigations". I am ordering this book soon because "language" interests me.
AKA badgerjelly