- September 20th, 2018, 6:39 pm
Hell is in essence gasping for air and heaven is the experience of plenty of fresh air. Both physically and metaphorically. We are locked in an eternal balancing act, trying to lever the optimal balance between connection and freedom at any given moment for equilibrium.
When these are out of balance, we become restless and agitated and are thus spurred into action. When in balance we are more calm and stable. What we call "free will" is the human meta capability to defy these impulses for a longer term goal (driven by the same impulses towards relative balance, but applied strategically).
So yes, heaven and hell is right here, just as the ancients said it was. Some took the ancients literally, and others used those literal interpretations to manipulate the masses, eg. 'I speak for the Lord so if you do not do as I say you will go to Hell'.
As for the existence of God, I entirely agree with Socrates and Burning Ghost. We cannot know.
By the same token, we cannot know if the spirits of ancestors remain in the Earth as per indigenous beliefs. No God is necessary in that model, or at least "reduced" to Earthly scale. What if planets, stars and black holes were/have spirits (that we might not be able to observe or comprehend)?
For all we know, our God might be Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole in the centre of the Milky Way, which created the Sun, that had created the Earth, which created us. Aside from creation, Sag A* is, along with other supermassive black holes, is absolutely humongous, powerful beyond our imaginings and the most immortal entity in the universe. Despite creating all of the galaxy, it is in itself an impenetrable realm that is beyond space and time at its centre.
Supermassive black holes tick more "God boxes" than anything else that we know.