Eduk: Your view of modern medicine is also depressing as hell.
Acupuncture might help you with that.
Without a care in the world you lambaste the entire world wide medical profession. With nothing to back up your 'opinion'. Doesn't it shame you to draw such simple conclusions with nothing to back those conclusions up?
o.k., o.k, sorry for exaggerating the trend of modern medical organizations, I think my biorhythms were off when I wrote that spiel.
I dare say that the NHS is so complex that there isn't a single human being alive who could safely say that they understood it (except of course yourself).
Wouldn't know, I don't live in the UK, but the HMO's here are a lot like what I described in my previous post.
puncturing vital organs like the heart! or infection.
The practitioner would have to be completely untrained, and quite ignorant about human anatomy, to push a needle in that deeply.
Acupuncture has been tested many times and it has failed to prove effective. Also it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. It is entirely implausible.
There is a plausible explanation for how acupuncture works, Dr. Robert Becker M.D. explains it in detail his book, The Body Electric (which is over 30 years old now).
Thinking critical: none of them could say with any confidence whether or not anything was gained or not from going (i.e., to the acupuncturist).
I am nearsighted and I once had an acupuncture treatment that made my eyesight become crystal clear. Unfortunately it only lasted about 20 minutes or so, which was long enough to drive home without my eye glasses on. With them on, everything was too blurry to see. That was interesting....