God is an Impossibility
https://forum.philosophynow.org/viewtop ... 11&t=24704
The Syllogism:
- P1. Absolute perfection is an impossibility to be real
P2. God, imperatively must be absolutely perfect
C. Therefore God is an impossibility to be real.
Generally, perfection is attributed to God.
Any god with less than perfect attributes would be subjected to being inferior to another's god.
As such, God has to be absolutely perfect which is the ontological god, i.e. god is a Being than which no greater can be conceived. Note Descartes, St Anselm and the likes.
My point is no theist with the minimal of rationality will accept a less than perfect God.
Another point I need to qualify is the 'god' in this argument is that of the theological God, e.g.
I am not referring to gods of the Greeks, e.g. and hundreds of the likes;
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_G ... al_figures
There are probably thousands of God over various cultures around the world and any claims of their existence as real can be easily argued away.
This is why whenever there is the question of the realness of these of other gods, the argument will always veer towards the perfect God.
One point to take note is the evolution of the idea of God over history of mankind will inevitably lead to the perfect God.
Any counters to P2 above.