Peter Holmes wrote: ↑July 16th, 2018, 9:20 am
It seems to me this question is the crux in the disagreement between objectivists and subjectivists.
An objection to moral subjectivism is that, if moral values and judgements are matters of opinion, we can't know if they're correct. For example, we can't know if slavery is right or wrong, and can't therefore morally condemn those who think slavery is justifiable. That's just their opinion, and we can't say which opinion is correct or true.
But this assumes that there is indeed something to be known: an object of some kind that verifies the assertion slavery is wrong and falsifies the assertion slavery is right - or, perhaps, vice versa. But what is the object that makes moral judgements objective - matters of fact - and therefore true or false?
It can't be slavery itself, because that would also be the object of the assertion slavery is right - so we're back to square one. And it can't be the wrongness of slavery. To say the assertion slavery is wrong is justified (shown to be true) by the objective wrongness of slavery is circular, and so no justification at all.
So what is it that moral objectivists claim about moral judgements that makes them objective - matters of fact, falsifiable and independent of judgement, belief or opinion?
Does any moral objectivist here have an answer that doesn't beg the question?
(The claim that objective moral values and judgements come from a god's commands or a god's nature begs the question: what makes a god's commands or a god's nature objectively morally good?)
I don't believe in standalone independent absolute moral values that is to be enforceable on any individual.
The point is absolute moral values [not enforceable] are critically necessary as a
guide [only] for a Framework and System of Morality and Ethics to work effectively.
Re slavery, there ought to be an absolute moral law on Slavery that will act as a guide within a a Framework and System of Morality and Ethics.
The absolute moral law on Slavery is this;
No Human Shall own a Human Chattel Slave"
because every human must respect the basic human dignity of another.
not respecting the basic human dignity of another is the same of not respecting oneself as a basic human being.
not respecting one's basic human dignity lead to treating another as an object, thus open for an object to be eliminated, i.e. killed, oppressed, torture, etc.
if humans are given the licence to kill, potentially the human species will go extinct.
because the 'purpose' [empirical based] is the preservation of the species.
How so?
The empirical evidence is, all species that has appeared in evolution never emerged with the purpose to be extinct till the inevitable.
The above grounded absolute moral law re slavery is only a guide, i.e. not enforceable.
This absolute moral law must be complemented with practical ethics which has room for flexibility against the absolute moral law.
The above argument demonstrate how and why Morality must be grounded on absolute moral laws as a critical and necessary guide.
Being humans, many people will attempt to own slaves for various reasons and humanity will have derived ethical strategies towards the impossible [at least fixed] guiding absolute moral standards.
Not-a-theist. Religion is a critical necessity for humanity now, but not the FUTURE.