OK, let me spell it out, the underlying questions posed by existence are; "How did life start?", and, "Does life have a purpose?" Questions Darwinist and material evolutionist determinately shy away from, even though, particularly in the case of how did life start, unanswerable by materialism, then Darwinism becomes nothing more than defunct filler for materialism and atheism.
As stated "natural" selection, "random" mutations and gradualism do nothing for speciation and biological diversity let alone the allusive "Origin Of Life". This is evidenced by the constantly changing historical paradigms of defining natural selection and random mutation, and the suggestion of punctuated equilibrium since paleontologist have always contended that the fossil record shows no signs that prove a gradual evolutionary process, but does show rapid appearances of populations which then gradually adapt to needs and may diverge into common phyla through the isolation of ancestor organisms. Most striking, along this mean, is the rapid appearance of Modern Man.
From Edward Blyth, 1835 (24 years before 1st publication of "Origins"
"There has been, strangely enough, a difference of opinion among naturalists, as to whether these seasonal changes of colour were intended by Providence as an adaptation to change of temperature, or as a means of preserving the various species from the observation of their foes, by adapting their hues to the colour of the surface; against which latter opinion it has been plausibly enough argued, that "nature provides for the preyer as well as for the prey." The fact is, they answer both purposes; and they are among those striking instances of design, which so clearly and forcibly attest the existence of an omniscient great First Cause. Experiment demonstrates the soundness of the first opinion; and sufficient proof can be adduced to show that the other is also sound. Some arctic species are white, which have no enemy to fear, as the polar bear, the gyrfalcon, the arctic eagle-owl, the snowy owl, and even the stoat; and therefore, in these, the whiteness can only be to preserve the temperature of their bodies [VI. 79.]; but when we perceive that the colour of nocturnal animals, and of those defenceless species whose habits lead them to be much exposed, especially to enemies from above, are invariably of the same colour with their respective natural haunts, we can only presume that this is because they should not appear too conspicuous to their enemies.".
Blyth argued against transmutation of species, believing it would destroy species integrity. How insightful from an obvious intellect to divine, without the technology, the true nature of mutations. Much has been written about the relationship between Darwin and Blyth which I believe Blyth to be the only man of integrity of the two. Arguable?
Marxism-It is well known that Marx admired Darwin and even sent him a copy of his book,
Das Kapital, which Darwin never read, but a spurious connection on ideological principles has been documented and can be made by Marxist anti-God necessity.
More to the point, as I stated it is hardly possible to present a concept which describes an aspect of the formation of life without having a clear idea on how life got its start, unless one presents it as a possibility resting on proofs of life's creation and not on imagination. In that regard then abiogenesis and intelligent cause become as equally viable and presentable, allowing intelligent design to be as equally a consideration as material evolution.
Darwinism is atheism as strengthened by the fact that legal and political steps have been taken to prevent ID from entering the public forum from atheists and secularist. Unless an unretractable material explanation can be provided then by no means can intelligent cause be cancelled out, especially by such manipulative and devious means which undermines the integrity of science.
Saying that the origin of life is not included in evolution is an intellectual dodge and excuse since all of Darwinism fails at the point of life's creation, since nonbiological substances cannot self replicate.
When everyone looks to better their own future then the future will be better for everyone.
An explanation of cause is not a justification by reason.
C. S. Lewis
Fight the illusion!