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Dachshund: For Place and Smart (and Co) the properties of the subjective, lived, phenomenal consciousness experienced by "John Smith" over the past, say, 5 minutes, are identical to ( i.e. are, strictly speaking, NOTHING OVER AND ABOVE) the properties of the physical neurobiological ( e.g. neurophysiological/ neurochemical/ neuroelectrical, etc, etc) processes that took place in John Smith's living brain over this time. This is what they are proposing. ... this SOUNDS completely nonsensical, but it actually is not.There is no evidence to support this thesis, it can in no way be demonstrated, so it is indeed nonsensical.
Tamminen wrote: ↑June 4th, 2018, 7:45 am What is a substance? For Spinoza it is "something that needs nothing else in order to exist or be conceived". If we take this definition, matter is not substance, because it has no independent existence, nor is consciousness or the subject, for the same reason. What is the concrete reality is: (1) the subject is (2) conscious of (3) the world. This ontological "trinity" is substance by Spinoza's definition.Spinoza also defined God as a substance ( a singular, autonomous, self-subsisting substance); for Spinoza what we (human beings) call "matter" and "thought" ( i.e.mind/consciousness) were merely two of God's many different attributes, right ?
Dachshund wrote: ↑June 4th, 2018, 9:12 amRight. He says that the mind is united to the body because the body is the object of the mind, and the mind and the body are the same thing conceived under two attributes: thought and extension. I think this is closer to my views than to the physicalistic identity hypothesis.Tamminen wrote: ↑June 4th, 2018, 7:45 am What is a substance? For Spinoza it is "something that needs nothing else in order to exist or be conceived". If we take this definition, matter is not substance, because it has no independent existence, nor is consciousness or the subject, for the same reason. What is the concrete reality is: (1) the subject is (2) conscious of (3) the world. This ontological "trinity" is substance by Spinoza's definition.Spinoza also defined God as a substance ( a singular, autonomous, self-subsisting substance); for Spinoza what we (human beings) call "matter" and "thought" ( i.e.mind/consciousness) were merely two of God's many different attributes, right ?
Tamminen wrote: ↑June 4th, 2018, 10:38 amRight. He says that the mind is united to the body because the body is the object of the mind, and the mind and the body are the same thing conceived under two attributes: thought and extension. I think this is closer to my views than to the physicalistic identity hypothesis.There are two identity hypotheses: Token and Type Physicalism
Consul wrote: ↑June 4th, 2018, 11:10 amI prefer the following tripartite classification, which I think is more adequate and more precise:The important point is that 2 doesn't include 3; that is, to say that all mental occurrences (occurrents) are physical ones isn't necessarily to say that all mental attributes are physical ones. So O-materialism is compatible with A-dualism. (But, of course, O-materialism is incompatible with S-dualism: if all mental occurrents are physical ones, then their substrates are physical ones too.)
1. Substance Materialism/Physicalism: all substances (objects/things) are material/physical substances.
2. Occurrence Materialism/Physicalism: all mental/experiential occurrences (events/processes/states/facts) are material/physical occurrences. (= "Token Materialism/Physicalism")
3. Adherence Materialism/Physicalism: all mental/experiential adherences (attributes: properties/qualities or relations) are material/physical adherences. (= "Type Materialism/Physicalism")
Tamminen wrote: ↑June 4th, 2018, 7:45 amWhat is a substance?For example, here's Swinburne's (Aristotelian) conception:
Felix wrote: ↑June 4th, 2018, 5:27 amNo, it may be false, but it's definitely not nonsensical. There are very good arguments for it to the effect that the postulation of psychophysical identities provides the best explanation of the observed psychophysical correlations.Dachshund: For Place and Smart (and Co) the properties of the subjective, lived, phenomenal consciousness experienced by "John Smith" over the past, say, 5 minutes, are identical to ( i.e. are, strictly speaking, NOTHING OVER AND ABOVE) the properties of the physical neurobiological ( e.g. neurophysiological/ neurochemical/ neuroelectrical, etc, etc) processes that took place in John Smith's living brain over this time. This is what they are proposing. ... this SOUNDS completely nonsensical, but it actually is not.There is no evidence to support this thesis, it can in no way be demonstrated, so it is indeed nonsensical.
Consul wrote: ↑June 4th, 2018, 11:56 am "Conclusion: 'Perfect Correlation Is Identity'So if we empirically find perfect correlation, the hard problem is solved and the conceptual gap filled? How else can we claim that there is psychophysical identity in the materialistic sense? No, we cannot claim that there is identity in this sense even if there is a perfect correspondence, one-to-one, between mental contents and brain processes. Subjective concepts can be translated into physical concepts, but subjective phenomena are not composed of physical processes. A bricklayer can build a house from bricks, but not a picture of a house.
Tamminen wrote: ↑June 4th, 2018, 12:48 pmThe problem with Place's statement is indeed that it is not a logical principle: Perfect correlation is logically compatible with difference. However, even if perfect correlation doesn't entail identity, it may be said to be evidence for identity at least.Consul wrote: ↑June 4th, 2018, 11:56 am"Conclusion: 'Perfect Correlation Is Identity'So if we empirically find perfect correlation, the hard problem is solved and the conceptual gap filled? How else can we claim that there is psychophysical identity in the materialistic sense? No, we cannot claim that there is identity in this sense even if there is a perfect correspondence, one-to-one, between mental contents and brain processes.
Tamminen wrote: ↑June 4th, 2018, 12:48 pmSubjective concepts can be translated into physical concepts, but subjective phenomena are not composed of physical processes.From the perspective of reductive physicalism, it's the other way round: To say that all mental phenomena are physical phenomena is not (necessarily) to say that all psychological concepts or predicates are translatable into and replaceable by (micro)physical ones.
Consul wrote: ↑June 4th, 2018, 11:56 amNo, [the materialist identity theory (MIT)] may be false, but it's definitely not nonsensical. There are very good arguments for it to the effect that the postulation of psychophysical identities provides the best explanation of the observed psychophysical correlations.Here are some arguments:
Consul wrote: ↑June 4th, 2018, 2:02 pm Cosmic evolution is an ontologically continuous process that cannot naturally produce anything nonphysicalNo, it does not produce anything nonphysical from itself, but the nonphysical is already there, as a component of the basic ontological structure of reality: the subject's being in the universe by being conscious of it. This structure is the essence of the universe, its "form". All the basic components of physics already contain the possibility, and perhaps the necessity, of building the necessary material basis for the subject's consciousness of the world and itself. And consciousness does not need to have anything that conflicts with the causal continuity of the cosmic evolution. The evolution happens for the subject, and consciousness is how the subject experiences that evolution. Because consciousness is one of the fundamental components of the ontological structure of reality, none of which cannot be removed without destroying everything, it cannot be identical with the brain physically, conceptually or logically, although it refers to the same thing as the brain: the subject's relationship to the material world.
Consul wrote: ↑June 4th, 2018, 2:02 pm Here are some arguments:It is part of the scientific image of the world. I don't think this works as justification. The metaphysics underpinning science is physicalism. Any new phenomenon will be considered physical regardless of its qualities. And phenomenon considered real but whose nature is not understood, will be considered physical. Apart from not being falsifiable, it isn't really saying anything.
1. MIT harmonizes best with the scientific image of the world.
2. MIT is the ontologically simplest, most parsimonious theory with regard to the mind-body/brain relationship; and there is nothing which it doesn't explain, but which is explained by attribute dualism (with or without substance dualism). So MIT is theoretically preferable to dualistic theories with respect to Occam's Razor.Some kind of solipsistic idealism would be much more parsimonius.
2. Cosmic evolution is an ontologically continuous process that cannot naturally produce anything nonphysical:To me this reads as an appeal to incredulity. I don't happen to think consciousness arose at a certain point in evolution, given I am a panpsychist, but the above boils down to: I can't see how this is possible. And again, normal scientific conceptions work from the framework that anything real is physical and anything newly found will be considered physical.
"How could a nonphysical property or entity suddenly arise in the course of animal evolution? A change in a gene is a change in a complex molecule which causes a change in the biochemistry of the cell. This may lead to changes in the shape or organization of the developing embryo. But what sort of chemical process could lead to the springing into existence of something nonphysical? No enzyme can catalyze the production of a spook! Perhaps it will be said that the nonphysical comes into existence as a by-product: that whenever there is a certain complex physical structure, then, by an irreducible extraphysical law, there is also a nonphysical entity. Such laws would be quite outside normal scientific conceptions and quite inexplicable: they would be, in Herbert Feigl’s phrase, 'nomological danglers.' To say the very least, we can vastly simplify our cosmological outlook if we can defend a materialistic philosophy of mind."
"[O]ne of the difficulties for Dualism is that it must assign the coming into existence of the immaterial mind to a definite point of time in the development of the organism,Or it was alwasy present. From there it may or may not have increased its functions over time, and these functions may or may not have be connected to complexity in matter. I'm not a dualist, but I don't think this argument works against it.
4. The problem of mental causation: The natural/physical world is causally closed, such that ontologically emergent (nonphysical) attributes are epiphenomenal, i.e. causally powerless.Who says and based on what necessary laws?
But why would natural/physical evolution produce and sustain something whose existence makes no difference whatsoever to what happens in the world?As long as it did not damage those organisms enough (or at all) to bring natural selection to bear on them negatively, sure. I see no reason why things that do not harm nor help an organism cannot arise through mutation and then persist.
If ontologically emergent attributes were non-epiphenomenal, i.e. causally powerful, they would be magical powers that strangely interfere in/with the natural/physical laws.They would have effects we cannot account for by purely referring to what we classify as physical, though these effects would be natural, since they would be real. We do not yet have an account of consciousness, so it seems just on this basis alone the door is still open. Observation seems to have effects without a clear physical component, though I do realize science calls this all physical, I am not sure what physical 'thing' affects observed particles/waves and changes them. That seems to leave the door open.
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