Tamminen wrote: ↑May 28th, 2018, 11:51 amThe being of the objects of thought is dependent on the being of an individual subject, but the being of the "objects of being" is not. However, the being of those objects is dependent on the the fact that there are subjects whose world they belong to. I understand that this is not obvious for everyone, but for me it is as clear as the sky in Helsinki today.
Of course, nothing is an (actual) object of thought unless there is at least one subject thinking of it; but it doesn't follow that every object which is an (actual) object of thought depends for its being on being an object of thought. For (actually) being an object of thought doesn't entail
necessarily or essentially being one. Of course, the concept of an
unthought thought-object is self-contradictory, but the concept of a
thought-independent thought-object is not.
There's an important logical difference between
Necessarily, if x is an object of thought, then x is an object of thought.
2. If x is an object of thought, then,
necessarily, x is an object of thought (x is
essentially an object of thought).
1 is certainly true, but 2 is not.
Tamminen wrote: ↑May 28th, 2018, 11:51 amI agree, because my standpoint is not subjective idealism. I would say "...an apprehension of something that exists prior to all personal cognition and is independent of it".
But yours is still an "intersubjective idealism", isn't it? For you believe that objects are at least
generically existentially dependent on subjects, don't you?
"…a generic notion of existential dependence, defined as follows:
(EDG) x dependsG for its existence upon Fs =df Necessarily, x exists only if some F exists."
https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/depe ... tological/
Tamminen wrote: ↑May 28th, 2018, 11:51 amConsul wrote: ↑May 28th, 2018, 10:53 amThere's nothing impossible or inconsistent about a physical realism which assumes that conscious states are brain states and hence physically explainable.
I strongly disagree.
Do you have an argument against physical realism?
"Physical realism makes two claims. The first is that the physical world is ontologically independent of the human mind—something whose existence is logically independent of facts about human mentality. I have labelled this its independence claim. The second is that the physical world is something whose existence is philosophically fundamental. I have labelled this its fundamentalist claim. I have tried to set out, in some detail, how these claims are to be understood, and what they do and do not commit the realist to accepting. In particular, I have made it clear that the independence claim is to be understood as applying to the world with respect to every portion of its spatio-temporal spread. And I have made it clear that the fundamentalist claim excludes any kind of reduction of something physical to something non-physical—whether the conceptual (analytical) reduction of certain physical statements to non-physical statements or the constitutive (metaphysical) reduction of certain physical facts to non-physical facts.
Standing in radical opposition to physical realism, and in opposition to both its claims, is the position I have labelled phenomenalistic idealism. This asserts that the physical world is something whose existence is constituted by facts about human sensory experience, or by some richer complex of non-physical facts in which such experiential facts centrally feature. The version of phenomenalistic idealism which concerns us—the only version, as I see it, which has any prospect of acceptability—is one that assigns the central constitutive role to what I have termed sensory organization. This organization is the unified system of provisions and constraints that controls the course of human sensory experience and disposes it to conform to its world-suggestive pattern. The central thesis of the relevant form of idealism is that, whether on its own or as part of a richer complex, and in the context of certain endowments of the human mind—endowments that render the mind empirically receptive to the orderly character of its sensory experiences—the sensory organization secures the constitutive creation of the physical world by disposing things to appear systematically worldwise at the human empirical viewpoint, and it logically determines the detailed character of the world by disposing things to appear systematically worldwise in the relevantly specific ways. I shall refer to this version of phenomenalist idealism as canonical idealism (the label indicating that it is the version which I think that the idealist needs to adopt.)"
(Foster, John.
A World for Us: The Case for Phenomenalistic Idealism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. pp. 123-24)