BigBango wrote: ↑May 25th, 2018, 7:03 pmI see Consul that your thesis is quite complicated and I, for that reason, will inch my way through my response.
To simplify my task, let us just consider your position on experiential/phenomenal mental states. First of all I don't think you should write experiential/phenomenal as if those two things were close to being the same thing. I can't imagine them as being similar in any obvious sense. The word "experiential" is used, even in this forum, as something with a "first-person" perspective. "Phenomenal", on the other hand, is usually thought of as a third person view of say a process e.g.. A fire has phenomenal properties that I enjoy while roasting marshmallows. I feel the warmth of the fire on my skin. Apparently then you see a physical, I assume nervous system/brain, producing or instantiating qualia for some other "physical" part of the brain that experiences these qualia like the fire is experienced. That is this little physical self has a third person view of his neurological sensors, his tentacles into the world. Doesn't that remind you of Wittgenstein's clear rejection of a "Humoculous" inside us that has as many metaphysical issues to explain as the one it is purposed to explain. Emergent qualities may be phenomenal but for who? For others? No. For another physical self inside you? No.
I do believe in (material) selves or subjects, since where there is experience there must be a subject of it; but I don't believe in homuncular selves or subjects residing in brains. In my view, selves or subjects are simply (animal) organisms (or perhaps only their brains, as some think).
As for the conceptual issue, I do use "experiential property" and "phenomenal property" synonymously. In my understanding, experiential/phenomenal properties aren't properties
of objects of perceptual experience (perception) such as a fire, but properties
of subjects of experience (or appearance) such as being appeared to warmly by a fire, or
of experiences (experiential events/states) [or of appearances (phenomenal events/states)], or
of contents of experience, in which case they are
higher-order properties of properties of subjects of experience (or of parts of organismic subjects, viz. their brains). The third ontological option corresponds to my view, but I can additionally and alternatively use "experiential/phenomenal property" to refer to properties of subjects rather than of experience-contents. Then, for a subject to have an experiential/phenomenal property is for its brain to instantiate a certain (complex) neurological property with a (higher-order) experiential/phenomenal property.
In any case, all experiential/phenomenal properties are
subjective ones, ones necessarily existing in and being experienced by subjects from their first-person or egocentric perspective. A subjectively unexperienced or experience-independent experiential/phenomenal property is a contradiction in terms.
In the philosophy of mind, experiential/phenomenal properties are usually ascribed to experiences
qua experiential occurrences (states/events/processes), and rarely to subjects of experience. (Peter Forrest is the only philosopher I know who ascribes qualia to the contents of experience, as I do.) For example, Michael Tye's
SEP entry on qualia contains a chapter titled "Which Mental States Possess Qualia?", which question presupposes that the possessors or instantiators of qualia are mental states (or events or processes) rather than their subjects or substrates. However, one can switch from experience talk to subject talk:
"A note on phenomenal properties: It is natural to speak as if phenomenal properties are instantiated by mental states, and as if there are entities, experiences, that bear their phenomenal properties essentially. But one can also speak as if phenomenal properties are directly instantiated by conscious subjects, typing subjects by aspects of what it is like to be them at the time of instantiation. These ways of speaking do not commit one to corresponding ontologies, but they at least suggest such ontologies. In a quality-based ontology, the subject-property relation is fundamental. From this one can derive a subject-experience-property structure, by identifying experiences with phenomenal states (instantiations of phenomenal properties), and attributing phenomenal properties to these states in a derivative sense. In a more complex experience-based ontology, a subject-experience-property structure is fundamental (where experiences are phenomenal individuals, or at least something more than property instantiations), and the subject-property relation is derivative. In what follows, I will sometimes use both sorts of language, and will be neutral between the ontological frameworks."
(Chalmers, David J. "The Content of Phenomenal Concepts." In
The Character of Consciousness, 251-275. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. p. 253)