- May 23rd, 2018, 4:09 pm
The best thing I know to do is to use the information I get from Christians who also accept evolution. For instance, I use the website of Francis Collins' organization Biologos. The goal of Biologos is to convince Christians that evolution is a reality. They also have information about the age of the universe on the site.
Many YECs believe that scientists are malicious in their desire to deny God (by denying what God says in the Bible- they believe that God says the universe is only 6,000 years old)- they believe that scientists find evidence to fit an old universe and evolution, so they just do the same- only their story is creation, and a young universe. They just start with the assumption that the universe is young, and evolution is false, and then find whatever solutions they can to make that story work- while accusing scientists of doing something similar.
I guess I can understand why someone would want to answer all those nagging questions like "if a young universe, what about the time it takes light to reach us from distant stars?". And they do come up with answers. I just don't see how anyone can form a cohesive web of belief (what of ancient civilizations- who built them, if a global flood on or about 2348BC?) if taking the Bible literally.
YEC's just can't accept that the Bible might not be meant to be taken literally. Their belief system would crumble if they started speculating that maybe the flood wasn't global, or maybe God used evolution to create man, or that maybe the universe is old. For them, it's literalism, or give up on Christianity.
The fellow in my group let me know that he believes that if evolution, then not original sin, and the Christian message and the reason for Jesus' death are meaningless. But, I also know that Plantinga accepts evolution and explains how it's compatible with the concept of original sin.