Eduk wrote: ↑April 12th, 2018, 9:29 am
Agnosticism can be presented like this. No one knows God is real and no one knows God isn't real. Therefore we should act as if either proposition were possible.
Okay, I can hang with that definition.
Ideally I'd like to ask a few questions of anyone with the above opinion.
1. Which God? By which I mean various religious claim to know specific mutually exclusive Gods. Which God are you being agnostic about and does it matter?
No, it does not matter... unless you feel compelled to harm those (with) different Perspectives.
The seven blind men surrounding and describing the bit of elephant that they perceive before them have very divergent stories.
It can well be thought that they all described different creatures, but wisdom finds;
"The complete Universe (Reality/Truth/God/'Self!'/Tao/Brahman... or any feature herein...) can be completely defined/described as the synchronous sum-total of all Perspectives!"
As the 'blind' explore, they find that they are referring to the same One Reality.
So, it doesn't matter what they are looking at, it is always Self!, whether recognized as such, or not.
tat tvam asi (
2. How do your actions change, with practical examples, if you are agnostic.
That's like asking if being a black man changed your skin to black!
It was never otherwise.
An agnostic is what and who an agnostic is. Agnostics do not have actions of 'True Believers' (tm), and fall into being an agnostic by degree. Believer, agnostic describe a state of being.
A skeptical bent of intellect is a healthy thing.
If you are seeking symptomatic behavior, we can plenty among those infected with 'beliefs'!
No one has ever deliberately harmed another unless he hosted some strain of 'belief' or other!
3. If you are agnostic, as defined above, then is it exactly 50/50 whether or not God exists. And does that matter?
It seems to me to be absurd to attempt a 'ratio', the point is an
open mind, as yet unrotten with 'beliefs'.
To attempt to codify 'how open' seems rather a fool's (or a scientist's, or a mathematician's...) endeavor. *__-
I've asked these kinds of questions before but they often go unanswered.
You're welcome.
Or sometimes they are acknowledged but then ignored.
Damn! I can't say that I won't do that!
Guess we'll find out...