Karpel Tunnel wrote: ↑April 14th, 2018, 1:07 am
Namelesss wrote: ↑April 13th, 2018, 8:00 pm
... in the 'timeless Oneness' in which the appearance of time arises, things appear to be 'getting worse'.
But, yes, that appearance will appear to predate the presence of other moments (the 'future'), which are also Here! Now!
'Getting worse' is not a Knowledge/experience (of something 'out there'), it is an exercise in (Knowledge of thought/memory/ego) memory.
So things appear to be getting worse to you and they appear to you also that in the future those things, like punishment, will disappear. But this is not how it appears to. Perhaps it did once appear to you these ways, in timebound narrative. You see the oneness, it no longer like this. See what I am saying.
Yes, I think that I see what you are saying.
To speak is to 'lie'. One must 'descend the mountain' to even speak!
As one cannot speak/think Holistically to reflect the Holistic nature of Reality, but in a lineo-temporal context, one needs remember that "the pointing finger is not the moon".
And it is difficult enough using words for Perspectives unusual, and having to define, re-define terms used. It is a juggling act. Yes, it
appears (at this moment, from this Perspective) to be a juggling act! *__-
"If you remain at the top, you will see no difference. You can preach dharma only when you come down. If you remain at the top and see, everything will appear as one. That One always remains pure. Nothing can pollute it."
If you say 'it appears to be getting worse' you do not mean, to you, you mean to people who do not see the oneness.
Yes. But I Am (We Are) also Ego, I also perceive the apparent lineo-temporal context (mirage/dream).
One speaks to be heard and, perhaps, understood, no?
Tune the narrative to the audience's experience...
But for many of those people it does not appear to be getting worse.
Define 'many'.
To the vast majority who indulge in media entertainment, 'news', things (on a world scale) appear to be.. 'getting worse'.
Of course, there are those of opposite Perspectives.
Nor does it appear to many that it will get better in the future and there will be no punishment.
Nor did it appear to many that the earth is a spheroid.
From a lineo-temporal context, ego, they will have to... 'wait'.. to Know/experience those 'future' moments.
From a Holistic context, 'access to Consciousness' is more... 'local' for some Perspectives, more distant for others.
We who can perceive these (already existent 'future') moments already Know.
The Illusion of Time
Rodger Stevens
Picture yourself standing on the curb, watching the traffic go by. The traffic which is presently before you is called the present . . . you can smell it, touch it, see it, hear it, and so on. You can see about a block in each direction, up and down the street. This narrow slice is called the present. The past is the traffic which has already disappeared down the street , and the traffic which has yet to appear up the street we'll call the future (to avoid needless confusion, we'll call it a one-way street, even though what we call time might run in both directions, and even at right angles). Compared to the past traffic (which has been going past for millennia) and the future traffic (likewise), our block-wide present doesn't look like much. Suppose further that as you are standing there, you hear a voice which says, "In about three minutes a green truck will come by." You look up the street, you don't see anything, but sure enough, in three or four minutes a green truck comes by. Amazing! You hear the voice again, and again you hear a prediction. You might freak out (if you are a fundamentalist), you might think it is magic, you might even set yourself up as a trance medium if you can get the voice to cooperate. In fact, though, it is only someone leaning out of a fourth story window over your head. From his position up there, your cosmic traffic announcer is looking at a present which is much wider than yours . . . from his higher perspective, his present includes part of what you call the past and the future; he is reading your future from his present.
The higher up the building you go, the more the past and future resolve themselves into the present. Going higher up in the building is raising your consciousness, which is the true meaning and intent of getting high. From the top of the building, you have raised your consciousness to the point where the so-called future and the so-called past have ceased to exist, and there is only the present. There never was anything but the infinite present, but from your incredibly limited perspective down on the street corner, you couldn't see much of it, so there appeared to be a past and a future.
And I am not being sarcastic. I am exploring something.
Alrighty, I'll accept that. *__-
Yes, there are those who conceive of anything that they find unpleasant to be a 'punishment'.
which is necessarily a good thing once one accepts the whole.
Once one "accepts the whole", fully integrates, becomes unconditional Love... judgment, good vs evil vanish. What is, is...
Precisely. There is no need for this to change, or anything else for that matter.
As if Thing can 'change'!
...and there is no might, there is only what is. Their might be the appearance of might when the picture is not complete.
No single Perspective can ever perceive the 'complete picture', thus...
"Every kind of partial and transitory disequilibrium must perforce contribute towards the great equilibrium of the whole.." - Rene' Guenon
Nothing to complain about. Nothing better or less than it should be. Nothing wrong. Nothing to do. Nothing to heal, since it is all healed in its completeness.
Ah, a view from the 'top'!
Mark that path that others may follow! *__-
Yes, 'path' and 'follow' and 'others' are all relics of the duality of thought/ego, the descent from the 'top'.
(There can be no 'no-thing' to do anything!)