jerlands wrote: ↑February 17th, 2018, 11:57 pm
Namelesss wrote: ↑February 17th, 2018, 10:48 pm
I have already clearly defined ego.
Ignore it as you will.
At least I define the terms that I use (when definable), so they become available for critical logical examination and, if possible, refutation.
Well I missed the definition so if you would kindly post that again. Is the ego simply self or is the ego a part of self?
Everything that you
think and feel (feelings are thoughts), know, to be who and what you are, your complete identity as you know you/it, exists in/as 'thought'!
Ego is
identity, thus, ego exists in/as 'thought'. Schizophrenic duality.
Being 'conceited' is ego related, but the definition of ego is not conceit, but includes it.
Namelesss wrote: ↑February 17th, 2018, 10:48 pm
For there to be 'free-will/choice' in actuality, you must have the power to change a moment if existence to bend to your 'Will'.
So that I'm not mistaken, that should read "change a moment in existence?".
Of course. Thank you for even noticing! *__-
Namelesss wrote: ↑February 17th, 2018, 10:48 pm
To 'change' a moment of existence requires the 'changing' of the entirety of existence, the entire Universe, ever! All things are, of course, at least, interrelated, interdependent.
If someone robs from another does that change existence
Nope, the act of the moment IS existence. Could never be 'otherwise'.
Have you ever seen the movie "Slaughterhouse Five; a children's crusade" (or the book) by Kurt Vonnegut? It gives a fair example of this.
They mention that any moment "always was, is, and will be".
and do people have the choice in commiting acts like robbery or murder?
When I mentioned that who and what we are manifests at each and every moment, that means that in a moment finds us with our murderer nature in the chute, that is what the moment will manifest.
Another moment might find us with healer 'in the chute', and that is what manifests.
There is no 'choice' in the matter. There are "feelings/thoughts" of choices and, thus the theory of 'free-will' based on those (schizophrenic) thoughts/feelings.
Namelesss wrote: ↑February 17th, 2018, 10:48 pm
To have and exercise 'free-will/choice', you must CREATE something according to your 'Will[/color]'.
Would you provide an example of what you're declaring.
I'm not sure how to respond. I'm saying that something is not philosophically/scientifically possible, and you are asking for an example of that impossibility.
I cannot offer an example of the impossible. I did show how the philosophically/scientifically impossible can, anyway, exist; in 'thought/feelings'.
If the Universe declares that I do not have a comfortable chair in which to plant me bum, at any moment, for me to 'change' that moment, or any moment, is not possible. All moments of existence already exist, AS IS! (God never 'changes'!) To imagine that by some magic 'will' we can alter Reality is no more than vain Pride. It falls for the 'appearance' of 'motion and time'! Falls for a mirage that we can actually 'do' anything other than perceive the moment! (Schizophrenia... enia... enia...)
"Take no heed (for the schizophrenic illusion)..." - bible
Namelesss wrote: ↑February 17th, 2018, 10:48 pm
But first, you must JUDGE what is/exists/is Created as 'insufficient' for your desires.
In doing so, in your terms, you would be JUDGING God's Creation and finding it wanting!!
Then, you have a 'better idea' to implement (bypassing mere suggestion).
Outvoting God = Superior to God!
You have a totally different "God" than I. My "God" game me free-will so I might develop for in choice we learn.
Same God, different Perspectives. *__-
Rather like this;
imagine a simple 'line', a 'string of points' heading off to the left and right.
A 'line'. Okay?
We can see the entire line, every point along it (theoretically), from end to end.
What are we looking at? A line.
Now, lets turn that line 90 degrees so that we are seeing only a single point at our end facing us.
Now, what are we looking at? A point.
Talk a circle and turn it on it's side and what are we looking at? A line.
Take a triangle and lay it down. Another 'line'.
And people, being what they are, will argue and kill each other over whether what appears to be a 'line' is a 'line' or a 'circle' or a 'triangle'!
Some might insist that they are all separate things.
Welcome to the schizophrenic world of religion.
What "is" it, exactly? All of those Perspectives, and so much more! But it is un-perceivable without all these Perspectives giving their 'shortsighted/truncated' (dualistic) input to the One Universal Consciousness/Self!
Namelesss wrote: ↑February 17th, 2018, 10:48 pm
And you are telling me that you cannot see how this might relate to Pride?
If that doesn't give the ego some food for denial, nothing will.
Perhaps the 'seed' denied today will blossom forth at some other, more fertile, moment; a day, year, decade... all is well. *__-
Yes, I'm telling you I don't see how free-will is bound to pride.
Perhaps the 'seed' that remains dormant today will blossom forth at some other, more fertile, moment; a day, year, decade... all is well. *__-
Pride might be thought of as excessive self esteem
Then comes the emotional ego validating determination of the meaning of 'excessive'.
My experience is that such terminology is most, vastly, often relating to "the other guy" and never to yourself!
Even Trump would never say that about himself, even though he is the poster boy to the world of 'excessive self esteem'!
So that would be a rather self justifying definition, facile for the ego's denials.
but I have also the option
Or so it might appear...
to interpret pride as satisfaction in achievement so what is your definition.
I understand the common definitions, which are numerous.
Considering my experience/Knowledge, I'm going to stick with my definition/interpretation;
Pride is judgment; the constant munching of the Fruit of the "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil." - bible
"Pride is the belief in free-will/choice'." - n