jerlands wrote: ↑February 14th, 2018, 4:37 pmThe soul though I think more closely related with identity.
Yes and no.
Ultimately all 'identity' is God's identity.
What we think ourselves to be exists in/as 'thought'. 'Thought' is ego, who and what we 'think/feel' ourselves to be (feelings are thoughts), to the exclusion of all else (schizophrenic).
Then, We Are ALL unique Conscious Perspectives (Souls) of the One Truth/Reality.. God.
Thus are We Known.
Souls exist for a moment, are completely transcendental, unaffected by anything, any of the flickering images that we call 'physical existence'.
The 'we' that 'owns' the Soul is a figment of thought/ego.
Every point in the entire Universe, ever, is a unique Soul with unique Perspective!
Thus is ALL Known.
Not anything ever 'changes', there are simply numerous Perspectives of the same Thing.
All 'motion' and 'time' and 'gravity' are mere 'appearances'.
God is the same forever, the proverb goes.
That means that no thing ever 'really' changes.
Namelesss wrote: ↑February 14th, 2018, 1:30 am
Tell me, when science and philosophy demonstrate that all is One, 'connected', 'entangled', that there is no place that science has ever found where one thing definitively leaves off and another begins, ALL inclusive, how is your duality of 'separate autonomous opposite existences' that APPEAR apparent, possible?
Your daily experience belies all science and philosophy? Your common experience better reflects the metaphysical transcendent Reality is some superior fashion?
I have never argued against interconnectedness, that there are relations between all things. I do however perceive duality in all states of matter.
Yes! Of course 'we' do!
It is by 'duality' that there can be 'matter' to be perceived.
We Know that is not the ultimate Reality any more than the telescope is the Reality of the moon that happens to be before it. Or the photograph of the moon, with lines and arrows and labels... all... not the moon.
But without the telescope of Perspective and duality, there is no moon to be Known.
Current cosmological theory suggests the universe emanated forth from the expansion of contraction and I see all things echoing their origin.
Theories abound from observations, feelings, uncritically accepted assumptions, appearances, mirages uncritically accepted.
"We SAW that pond, right in the desert! Are you asking me to doubt my eyes?!"
Yes, I am.
'Time' is a theory used to explain/describe the mirage of 'motion'.
None of these theories is a Universal Law, all are faulty and none ever 'resolve'.
They just spiral around until a philosopher informs science, or science just happens to, eventually, stumble on the 'truth'.
Motion, time, gravity... are persistent illusions.
Thus, evolution (as commonly thought) will, eventually be critically updated, as will all theories founded on 'motion' and 'time'.
Reality is always Here! Now!
Existence, all of it, IS The Singularity!
Namelesss wrote: ↑February 14th, 2018, 1:30 am
Perhaps you are merely defending/justifying a 'belief'?
Maybe I am justifying my belief. What's wrong in that?
Nothing 'wrong', but as I pointed out, the 'logic' used to justify beliefs (emotional/egoic) is very different then the logic that I am using, which is 'intellectual/egoic'. Apples and oranges.
The sermon on the mount, the golden rule, a phrase within many. Matthew 7:12 - “In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets. So where did I go wrong there?
What if I am a masochist, and I want people to hurt and 'abuse' me.
Am I being ordered to treat others in this way?
Or if I am a sadist, same thing.
Of if I had a rape fantasy, shall I rape others?
That is the error of the mistranslation!
Another justification for devolved sinful behavior.
Now, ponder the correct version for awhile;
"Do NOT do to others what you don't want done to you!"
I can be masochist, and don't want others to steal from me! Or I don't want others to cheat me. Or to hate me. Or to...
See? It allows for my 'peculiar tastes', yet still makes the point!!
Do think about it.
This is basically the same as found in "the greatest commandment" Matthew 22:36-40 where you should love your neighbor as yourself.
The Love that Jesus taught is unconditional.
One cannot Love one self and not Love the neighbor. That would be the dark egoic pastiche of 'Love'. The golem. Conditional Love.
It says that unconditional Love Loves all rqually, all the same, without duality, without distinction, without judgment, without seeing 'evil' and 'good'... the eye of Love only sees the Beloved, God/Self! *__-
These laws given us in Christianity I see as those which we base our system of justice upon.
The new testament transcends all laws (of the old), which cannot 'save you'.
That's why it is necessary that we are 'saved' by 'Faith', unconditional Love!
The only 'law' is Love! - Jesus
I'm not saying Christs teachings are the only source for these concepts but they are the ones that western civilization carried through time and built upon.
Wouldn't it be nice if only!
But the justifications for sin (only use for the bible) by the false Xtians are proven by their dark fruits all over the world, not just in the degraded and corrupt West.
Mark Twain It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so
Twain has it. (Twain... Cut it in twain! = Duality? Two?)
"Knowledge = experience." - Aristotle and me
Anyone 100% certain of anything, is insane!
I seems to me the only thing unconditional in our existence is we can't escape reality no matter our perception of it.
I can live with that! *__-
You make the statement "there is no free will/choice" which to me seems totally unfounded and also a bit far fetched.
Let me offer some food for thought regarding 'free-will/choice' that I have written previously;
"To have 'free-will' is to have the ability to 'do otherwise'.
In the complete history of the Universe, no being has ever 'done otherwise', no moment has ever been 'otherwise'!"
'Free-will/choice' exists as a *thought*, a 'belief', a 'feeling'. That's all. But it exists! Everything exists!
The notion of 'free-will/choice' is unsupportable both from a scientific or philosophical perspective.
Yet it exists in/as 'ego/thought'.
'Thoughts' come in various flavors; memory, anticipatory/expective, imagination, ...
That which exists as 'thought', exists! (as 'thought')
Everything exists!
Benjamin Libet's famous experiment certainly pounded another nail in the 'free-will/choice' coffin! Demonstrating the the brain initiated the action "prior" to the 'choice' being made, 100% of the time!
There are so many nails in that obsolete vain belief's coffin already, but i don't have the space, here, to elaborate.
'Free-will/choice' depends on some moment of existence being 'otherwise'! Never, never in the existence of existence has (or can be) any moment ever been 'otherwise'! Ever! What is, is, and that's all that is or ever can be!
What is, (already) is!
Every moment of existence exists Now!
"The Laws of Nature are not rules controlling the metamorphosis of what is, into what will be. They are descriptions of patterns that exist, all at once... " - Genius; the Life and Science of Richard Feynman
All 'eternity' at once; Here! Now!!
There is only one moment (Planck moment; 10^-43/sec; "almost" one billion trillion trillion trillionths of a second!!!) of the entirety of existence/Reality/the Universe!
All existence, ever, is one, literally, 'timeless' moment!
A 'moment' is a unit of perception, a percept!
"Reality is a synchrony of moments!"
Another point.
To completely define something, the context in which it is perceived must be included in the description.
Ultimately, the COMPLETE context of anything is the entire Universe! (at any moment!) So, to actually 'change' something from what is, to what you find more comfortable (the usual basis of 'desires' and the 'thoughts' of 'will' and 'free-will/choice'), you would have to alter the entire Universe (think Butterfly Effect)!
What an egoic/godlike ability! And just for your own comfort! You might have to ignorantly wipe out 17 galaxies and 486 civilizations so you can 'create' that new chair...
Get the drift?
Thank GOD! that it is impossible for us to 'change' anything!!!
(Any more than a telescope can have 'creative powers' over what it is pointed at!)
Religiously speaking;
The 'belief' in 'free-will/choice' is the physical manifestation of the one and only sin, Pride! (Insanity!)
It is saying, in essence; "Let MY Will B Done! Now! Abracadabra in Jesus' name (or whatever magic...)... Ah-me!"
Believing that we can 'change' the Universe, that which 'Is', for what usually amounts to 'personal comfort', is quite the ego masturbation!!
Namelesss wrote: ↑February 13th, 2018, 9:54 pm
You 'believe', I observe.
Observance is the posture of one in relation to the other and that requires duality
I can observe self. No 'duality, as in 'other'.
and in duality there is choice (the recognition of state.)
There is the THOUGHT od 'choice', there is the 'FEELING' of 'choice'.
That's all.
Truncating the rest because I need to go make Boopsie her dinner.