jerlands wrote: ↑February 13th, 2018, 11:58 pm
Namelesss wrote: ↑February 13th, 2018, 9:54 pm
God is One! ALL inclusive!
When you 'judge', and have a better suggestion, you are God 'judging' God, and, finding God wanting (in your vanity) you make suggestions.
Not uncommon.
That is what the basis of 'hope' is.
False. I am man judging man. I am man judging myself. I am a reflection of "God," I am not "God" nor is anything else in existence anything more than a reflection of.
I understand the limitations of the egoic 'I'.
Perhaps someday you will experience/Know the unconditional Love that Jesus taught.
Until then, I cannot talk you into anything, nor do I want to 'change your mind'.
Your mind is what hinders your spiritual progress.
This isn't an argument, it is observation and experience.
Namelesss wrote: ↑February 13th, 2018, 9:54 pm
And IS the same, until you can rationally, logically, experientially... refute.
Ok.. let's tackle this concept of duality. Duality is two extremes of the same thing but it is the difference that creates the value we can draw upon or measure (quantify.) An example is a battery... a positive side (lacking electrons) and a negative side (abundant in electrons.) That difference in potential allows us to do useful work. The difference in justice and injustice is similar though conceptual and in our culture largely based upon sentiments of given statutes. These statues are man made however and so can be flawed but nevertheless it does create an understandable structure for common behavior and without which you might find it very hard to get to work (or wherever.)
Tell me, when science and philosophy demonstrate that all is One, 'connected', 'entangled', that there is no place that science has ever found where one thing definitively leaves off and another begins, ALL inclusive, how is your duality of 'separate autonomous opposite existences' that APPEAR apparent, possible?
Your daily experience belies all science and philosophy? Your common experience better reflects the metaphysical transcendent Reality is some superior fashion?
Perhaps you are merely defending/justifying a 'belief'?
I won't get into the superficial pragmatics of your 'argument', hamburgers will keep you alive, but there are much more nutritious foods along with the Knowledge and understanding of how the body works.
YOU are not tall or short other than in relation tosomething else, depending on PERSPECTIVE!
Depending on Perspective, you are BOTH at the same time! Two opposite mutually arising Perspectives.
Nothing more.
Namelesss wrote: ↑February 13th, 2018, 9:54 pm
First, I just taught you the 'Golden Rule'.
No, you did not teach me the golden rule but gave me your interpretation of it.
You do not learn because you are filled with yourself.
It was not my interpretation. Go do some homework and find out for yourself!
You learned a mistranslation, along with so many other wide eyed babes, heard it so often it became bone deep.
Never really critically examining the absurdity of your mistranslation.
Makes no difference to me, I Know better.
And you have a huge ignorant support group! *__-
And it really shouldn't be that hard to understand.
To absurd to respond.
I don't need to understand, I Know!
The unconditional is impossible to 'understand' with your conditional, dualistic, thoughts/ego.
Namelesss wrote: ↑February 13th, 2018, 9:54 pm
Third, as there is no 'free-will/choice', all the 'words of wisdom' throughout human history mean nothing. No one can 'choose' to follow them or not!
Thus, with all that great 'wisdom', the state of the planet is deplorable, horrendous.
If 'words of wisdom meant anything beyond the ego masturbation, if we actually could 'learn from history', the Earth would be a Utopia for all by now!
It ain't.
Proof is in the pudding.
I believe I understand where you're coming from as you've stated your belief that man has no choice...[/quote]
You 'believe', I observe.
in his origin or in his destination (supposedly because there is only one destination?) I do agree the world is facing a real trial but I believe education can help a lot.
No choice in anything, ever!
Who and what we are, at any particular moment, manifests. No 'choice', no 'free-will'! (Ego will argue that one. Pride is THE sin!)
That's what the evidence supports.
Beating a child is not correct discipline.
Obviously there is a problem with the entire notion of 'discipline'.
So you have no problem excising the 'spare the rod' crap from the updated edition?
Me neither! *__-
Wasn't the Matrix a synthetic version of the world vs a natural version of the world? Sorta like a lie vs reality?
People were asleep and dreaming their limitations in the provided dream.
Some wake into the dream and find the limitations of the ego vanish and they... 'expand', awaken 'spiritually' into the unlimited transcendent.
They no longer are bound by their beliefs, by appearances of the ego.