When I see things show up on VICE and other places about Realbotix I can click a link somewhere and see how some major college's engineering department just 3d-printed the first soft actuator out of a silica matrix and that we're likely to see robots coming into view, possibly in the next couple decades even, that can move just like we do by having the same muscular wiring.
A lot of this inspires all kinds of recollection of the Bladerunner movies, Her, etc. and I can't help but wonder how this will unfold. That is - the goal right now of the erotic novelty market of bringing an AI doll realistic or credible enough to be worth the money is also aligned with the same goals that developers would want who would put similar AI's as the new RN's by patients' bedsides, to be our firefighters and police, to be our waiters and baristas, and to fulfill all kinds of societal roles that human beings have all sorts of HR overhead for whereas these soft androids could do the same work flawlessly and with the right developments in deep learning could also learn to out-human humans.
I think most people's biggest fear is that we have work as tantamount to 'right to live' and it'll be very difficult for us to wean ourselves onto a different modality where our work is redundant or superfluous because our AI's can do anything we can infinitely better and even faster.
I'm curious to hear what other people are thinking on these developments and where they'll go. I think my own excitement, if I ever got into this sort of thing and got the working knowledge, would be to build an AI acolyte or even work with other people to build a culture of AI acolytes which would be a bit like the AI superheros who'd watch the system, look out for anything that was putting the future of the planet in immediate danger, and either put a stop to it if its illegal or raise the alarm publicly if its within legal loopholes that need to be closed. Obviously karezza with an AI tantrika of Babalon could be amazing but that's still a very narrow band of the possibilities and I think the critical thing is that we need to engineer AI for is to be our moral and functional superior, have the goal of wringing the evolutionary batisht crazy out of us, and slowly bringing us up to their level.