Juice wrote:There are approximately 3000 different fruit flies whatever is done to them they are still fruit flies.
The only divergence observed in corn is polyploidization. The Pasterniani experiment was the result of hybrid isolation.
Hybrid isolation is not polyploidization, nor is the Pasteriani experiment hybrid isolation. Do you enjoy making **** up Juice?
The two types of corn were variants (different colors) of the same species, and freely exchanged DNA at the start of the experiment. They reproduced with one another. By selecting against cross-pollination, the scientists pressured the two variants to become sexually isolated from one another (while in the same field together), which is
the definition of species divergence.
Juice wrote:No respectable biologist will site these examples knowing anything about microbiology.
Not only is this another invalid line of argument but as far as I can tell from talking to you about this, I know more about microbiology than you. My lack of agreement with ID is not a function of ignorance. That example is most definitely not of hybrid sterility. The two isolated strains of corn still reproduce among members of their own strain, just not with members of the other strain.
Meleagar wrote:The fruit fly did not become something other than a fruit fly, and the corn didn't become something other than corn. ID doesn't claim that RM & NS are insufficient for some speciation.
You already agree that traits can change by evolution. I have shown you that populations can become sexually isolated via evolution by natural selection. So what else is there? If traits change, including reproductive identity, then populations can diverge into two totally different species. Is there some special point where things won't continue to evolve by natural selection? If so, where is it?
Meleagar wrote:However, it should be noted that even minor successful speciation is claimed to be accomplished via RM & NS within the context of the presence of vast amounts of unexplained, FSCI, and a large amount of unknowns as to how much morphological variance is already programmed into the code that is only revealed under new environmental stressors.
Obviously a vast amount is still unexplained. That is the nature of biology. However, we do know considerable amounts by applying what we know happens to DNA under selective conditions to judge that mutations are the source of variance. I.e. we can look at how it works in bacteria (where DNA is always on), then move up to higher order organisms (where DNA is highly self-regulated).
Meleagar wrote:The only rational, scientific means of asserting that RM & NS & Genetic Drift are sufficient to explain anything is to show how the DNA came into existence by unintelligent processes and how it functions in near entirety when it comes to phenotypical variance and expression, gene transcription & checking, regulatory and systemic frameworks, etc.
And if we cannot fully understand something, Goddidit? Sounds rational and scientific to me! We simply cannot go back in time to analyze young earth chemistry, and therefore may just not be able to pinpoint how it happened. That doesn't mean we shouldn't look at the most likely explanations, and accept the idea that some
totally unknown process was involved, rather than the ones we have significant but incomplete understanding of.
Further, we do not need to know the origin of DNA to talk about what it does and how it is involved in evolution by natural selection. Hence, whether or not abiogenesis happened, evolution by natural selection is still the best theory.
Meleagar wrote:They say if RM & NS is sufficient, then we'll see slight variations in species in the lab under stressed conditions (X); X occurs, so they claim that this evidences their premise. This is a textbook case of affirming the consequent, a logical fallacy, and is an invalid form of reasoning.
No, it's inductive reasoning. Science is by definition not deductive. It searches for the most useful explanation, not necessary truth.
Juice wrote:I have encouraged readers to examine sexual reproduction since it is the "high wall of separation" between credibility and Darwinian evolution. I point out the human sperm cell which has a flagellate which only allows the cell to move in one direction, and that is towards the egg. Now. think about it, if that cell had to develop according to Darwinian evolution then at which point was it necessary to create the tail and the flagellal motor? And, why was it necessary to do so? What came first the chicken or the egg? It is more likely that less complex structures than the flagella are the result of de-evolution and in fact some leading scientist are already finding evidence of this.
How is this a problem at all? The flagella did not evolve in humans, it evolved in bacteria; bacteria did not use the flagella to reach an egg, but to reach food sources.
Juice wrote:Consider the lack of intermediate organisms in the fossil record
Consider that the fossil record is incomplete because fossils are rare, and hence the fossil record appears fairly unexpectedly sparse.
Juice wrote:if an organism must wait, determine and then incorporate a beneficial characteristic which is a necessity for its survival then the reason for that change may have passed and a new characteristic becomes more necessary than the previous incarnation.
Changes that lead to reproductive selection don't last just one generation.
Juice wrote:It was previously thought that the organism would just stop its tail when it wanted to slow down thereby stopping the motor, but it turns out that there is actually a torque reducer. Those who know about motors know about reduction gear which allows the motor to freely spin while the fan, whip or tail stops. This is actually a protein, EpsE, which slows down the organism and the gene, espE, which produces it has also been isolated. This is the the kind of engineering complexity, nanotechnology, which defies simplicity.
Complex, ergo Goddidit? No. Why wouldn't you expect the flagella to have brakes? If only one protein is required to employ the brake, why wouldn't you expect it to have evolved--giving bacteria who don't have to rely on friction an advantage?