Dark Matter wrote: ↑January 26th, 2018, 11:35 am
Greta wrote: ↑January 25th, 2018, 12:26 am
You are overreacting, Dark (may I call you Dark after all this time? lol). Separation of church and state was simply one of their policies and I can't see a problem with that. Of course there should be separation of church and state, and attempts by religions to increase their influence should logically be resisted for the sake of fairness to the general public, many of whom are not religious.
Separation of church and state is fine — up to a point. Freedom of religion is one thing; freedom from religion is quite another. Is forcing people to do things that they are religiously opposed to? Like forcing them as taxpayers to pay for abortions or celebrate gay “marriages”?
Is that like forcing taxpayers to fund religion's lobbying and social activities? Or like forcing single people to fund family payments? Or forcing the rich to help the poor?
The legality of gay MARRIAGES was overdue and I am surprised that you would have such a retrograde attitude towards them - and towards abortions. Surely you, a smart and educated man, understand that early stage foetuses are not human but potential humans (as is each sperm and egg), and not even nearly as sensate and sentient as the animals we routinely kill to eat.
Dark Matter wrote:If I was interested in sanity, I wouldn't be here. :twisted:
:lol: point taken ... but nonetheless, I am a fan of veneers of civility, not because it's ideal, but it is preferable to the alternative - losing that veneer. As I say, people ideally wouldn't need that thin protective layer of civility but it's been key to the functionality of societies thus far. Lose the veneer and you lose cooperation and functionality.
Did you see any difference between the recent Women’s March (representative of the secular mindset) and the March for Life (representative of the religious mindset)?[/quote]
A massive difference. The latter group places the lives of what are effectively invertebrate organisms ahead of those of adult women. The Right to Life Movement is rooted in old patriarchies, where the value of women was often less than that of a farm animal. This flow on from old patriarchal society is entirely about the need for men to control women, even to the point of controlling their bodies and associated reproduction.
There is little care about the lives of foetuses in so called Right to Life movements; they are really about controlling women. This is evidenced by such lobbyists routinely supporting inhumane social policies and religious wars - hardly supportive of "life".